Incoming call cuts after one ring: Here’s why

You saw an incoming call on your mobile phone, and after one ring the call abruptly ends. You saw that as a cut and maybe the problem is from is from your mobile phone or your service network provider.

However, there are more to know on this issue of incoming call cuts after one ring.

You’re not alone in this type of issue as I myself have seen this happen a lot to me.

This article explain all you need to know on the reason why you’re having an incoming call cuts after one ring on your mobile phone, and be it on android or iPhone.

Incoming call cuts after one ring

This usually occurs when a caller abruptly hang up a caller before a recipient or the person whom he or she is calling answers the call, caused by a volte network issue or probably it is a scam call.

It is also caused when someone mistakenly dialed a wrong number or you have enabled incoming call barring on your phone. 

I delved into this problem of incoming call cuts after one ring trying to understand why someone will dial my number and ends the call after one or two ring before I will answer the call.

Some of the reasons why this occurs are stated below;

1. It is a scam call

A typical example of a scam call is to ring once or twice and boom cuts the call. You as the recipient will see it as a missed call or your incoming call cut after one ring, but please be careful because it is likely to be a scam call.

As long as you don’t know the mobile phone number, please do not call back else your phone may be hacked by the caller or probably the scammer.

2. The caller dialed a wrong number

This is one major reason why you are seeing incoming call cuts after one ring on your mobile phone.

The incoming call you saw on your phone was a mistake, the caller must have mistakenly dialed your number and having realized he or she dialed a wrong number, the call will be ended right away.

However, this is so if you happen to see this occur once for a particular contact on your mobile phone. If it happens very often, it wasn’t a mistake but someone is doing it on purpose.

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2. The caller wants you to call back

This is very weird and annoying but it does happen, someone trying to save his or her minutes and instead of calling you, he or she will pretend to call you and end the call after one ring just for you to call back.

Normally you will see this type of call as a missed call on your mobile phone, and this type of call won’t go to the voicemail because the caller didn’t allow the call to ring complete before hanging up.

Definitely you will see it as a missed call and call back immediately not knowing that the caller is being mischievous and wanted you to call so as to save it’s phone minutes.

Honestly I see this as someone being weird and same time stupid.

3. You may have barred incoming call on your mobile phone

This very much possible if you’re using an android phone because incoming call barring is one of major causes of incoming call cuts after one ring.

Before concluding that yes truly you have barred incoming calls on your android phone, you must confirm it first.

To do so, you have to open the phone app and tap on the hamburger menu icon and select settings.

Look closely and you will see supplementary services a if you are using a Samsung Galaxy phone.

incoming call cuts after one ring

Tap on the supplementary services and among the options shown to you is the call barring.

Tap on call barring to open and you will see both outgoing call and incoming calls.

As you’re looking for the reason and causes of incoming call cuts after one ring, you have to look for incoming calls.

You have to make sure that you didn’t enable call barring on incoming calls just like on the picture below;

incoming call disconnects after one ring

Make sure that the all incoming calls button is not enabled just like on the above picture. And if it is enabled, then be rest assured that it is the reason why incoming call disconnects after one ring on your mobile phone.

4. Incoming call cuts after one ring caused by a volte network

If you have a mobile phone that supports the volte network, this is likely to be the culprit of incoming call disconnects after one ring.

To confirm that truly the problem of phone rings once then cuts off is caused by a volte network, you have to get another phone and dial your number.

If the call cuts after one ring, open the settings app and go to the mobile network or connection depending on the type of phone you’re using.

In the mobile network section, you will see volte call though it depends on your service network provider and the type of phone you’re using.

Now if you have seen that the volte network is enabled on your phone, kindly disable it because it is most likely to be the cause of the problem of incoming call cuts after one ring.

phone rings once then cuts off

When you have disabled Volte network on your mobile phone, dial your phone number and definitely you will see it will resolve the problem you are having. Most people that are having problem of incoming call disconnects after one ring found this very helpful as it indeed resolved the problem they are having with their incoming calls.

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Related Questions

Why does my iPhone stops ringing after 1 ring?

This is usually caused when you enabled volte on on your iPhone, and you have to disable the volte on your iPhone to resolve the problem of phone rings once then cuts off.

This type of problem can also be caused by a software problem and soft reset ID a good recommendation unless the problem is very severe and you need to perform a hard reset or factory reset.

Why does my incoming call keep disconnecting automatically?

This is usually caused when you have enabled call barring on all incoming calls on your mobile phone especially on android phone.

You have to disable call barring on all incoming calls and I have already explained that in this article. Kindly scroll up and you will see how to disable call barring on android phone.

Incoming call disconnects after one ring

This is usually the case when volte network or volte call feature is enabled in a mobile phone, you should disable it or turn it off and it will solve the problem of incoming call disconnects after one ring.

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Having a problem of incoming call cuts after one ring can be very frustrating and same time annoying, but I have tried my best to give you the reason why such is happening and how to fix the problem of incoming calls ring once then disconnect.

Soft resetting a phone is very much helpful but if the problem persist after many solutions didn’t offer any help to you, then you don’t have any other option than to backup your phone and perform a factory reset.

If you have more to add to this problem, I will appreciate it a lot more as it will be very helpful to others.

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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