Main difference between outgoing call and cancelled call on iPhone

As per my notice, quite some number of persons can’t seem to differentiate between outgoing call and cancelled call, that which I will clarify in this article.

The two terms are very much similar and work hand in hand, as they are being initiated by a caller from it’s mobile phone. But the truth is they are quite different and I will explain that to you.

So the question of the day is;

What is the difference between outgoing call and cancelled call?

The main difference between outgoing call and cancelled call on iPhone is that outgoing call is a call that went through and which was answered by the recipient, while cancelled call is a call that went through but was never answered by the recipient before the calls ends. 

On the previous post I mentioned that cancelled calls on android phone is very much different from the meaning of cancelled call on iPhone. You can go through here to read more on the meaning of cancelled call on iPhone

Aside from the difference, the similarity between outgoing call and cancelled is the fact they are initiated by a caller, that is to say someone dialing a number and waiting for it to go through and to be answered by the recipient or cancelling the call.

There are more to know on the difference between outgoing call and cancelled call, but before diving into that, first understanding outgoing call and a cancelled call.

What is an outgoing call

An outgoing call is the process of calling a number or a contact using the mobile phone, and to which the recipient will answer the call on iPhone and android phone, or not answer the call as it usually shows on android phone. In some cases the call will be forwarded to the voicemail if the recipient didn’t answer the call.

So when you’re using your mobile phone to call someone, you’re making an outgoing call and somehow this is quite different from cancelled call especially if you are using an iPhone. 

What is a cancelled call

A cancelled call is a call initiated by a caller which went through to the recipient phone, but was never answered by the recipient or went to the voicemail. 

On the contrary, a cancelled call can also mean a call initiated by a caller which he or she ends right away before the recipient could answer the call. When you try to make this type of call, it will appear as a cancelled call on your iPhone call log. 

In the case of the recipient or to the person whose number was dialed will see the cancelled call as missed call, but in reality the caller didn’t intend to call the recipient. While in most cases the caller intended to call the recipient and whicg the call went through but was never answered by the recipient. 

On android phone, cancelled call can occur as in the case when you mistakenly dialed a wrong person’s number, and abruptly you will end the call before the recipient answer the call. This is what cancelled call is all about on android and also on iPhone in some cases, abruptly ending a call or to hang up a call before the recipient answer the call.

With the two explanations above, you have already seen the clear difference between a cancelled call and an outgoing call.

And for the last time, let me repeat it once again. 

Difference between outgoing call and cancelled call

Outgoing call is when a call is initiated on a mobile phone and which is then forwarded to the recipient phone and was answered by the recipient, while cancelled call is a call which went through to the recipient phone but was never answered by the recipient. 

When you make a call using your mobile phone, that is an outgoing call. In this situation the person you are calling may answer the call or not answer the call, or the call forwarded to the voicemail.

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How do you know if a call is outgoing or incoming?

difference between outgoing call and cancelled call

A call is outgoing when you dialed a number using your mobile phone, while a call is incoming when someone calls your number and start ringing.

So outgoing call is when you call a number using your phone, while incoming call is when you receive a call using your mobile phone.

Does a cancelled call show up as a missed call on iPhone?

Cancelled call will definitely show up as a missed on the recipient iphone or even on android phone. The person you called will see the call and it will display as missed call on it’s mobile phone.

On the caller’s phone, it will only show as a dialed number along with other contact you called on your mobile phone.

For the fact that a recipient will see a cancelled call as a missed call on it’s iPhone should be the reason why you should allow the call to be answered and then you should apologize as the call was a mistake. That if you ended the call before the recipient could answer the call. 

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iPhone cancelled call did it ring?

The answer is Yes. Normally cancelled call on iPhone do go through to the recipient phone. But in the case whereby you ended the call before the recipient could answer, it may or may not ring. 

Does A Cancelled Call Go Through on iPhone?

Yes a cancelled call went through on iPhone but was never answered by the recipient or went to the voicemail. Then if the caller abruptly ends a call before the recipient answer’s, the call may or may not go through. 

In some cases especially if the caller allowed the caller for more than five seconds, the call will definitely go through to the recipient phone.

Does cancelled call show up on phone bill?

Cancelled call doesn’t show up on phone bill as long as the recipient didn’t answer or pick the call. Calls that shows up on phone bill are called that was received by the recipient and cancelled call isn’t among.

Related Questions

Is it rude to decline a phone call?

It is quite rude to decline a call especially if you do it frequently to a particular number, instead it is better off you block the number instead of declining the call.

Honestly if someone declines my call and does that very often I will be pissed off and angry with the person. It is better to block me compared to declining my call.

Do calls go through if you cancel right away?

Most times the calls doesn’t go through if you cancel a call immediately you dialed the number, but if you waited for more than five seconds then be rest assured that the call went through to the recipient.

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The major difference between outgoing call and cancelled call is outgoing call is a call that went through and which was answered by the recipient, while cancelled call is a call that went through but was never answered by the recipient before the calls ends.  

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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