Outgoing calls not ringing? What you should know

Calling a number on your contact list and you found out the phone isn’t ringing and this happened several times. First I must tell you that you shouldn’t be bothered about this.

I’ve experienced this a lot and sometimes the recipient will pickup the up without the phone ringing to my ears.

So in today’s article I will explain about outgoing calls not ringing, why it happens, and what you should do.

Why does outgoing calls not ringing?

This is majorly caused by the recipient network service which at that very moment has a very poor network service within the environment, or a bad network service configuration. 

What I’m trying to say is that the number one major causes of outgoing calls not ringing is caused by a poor network reception in an environment. It doesn’t end here causes there are other major causes of not being able to hear a ringback tone while calling a contact on your mobile phone.

In this case of outgoing call not ringing, you will not hear a ringback tone while calling someone from your mobile phone, but the person will answer the call.

It can be quite confusing as you may think the call didn’t go through but suddenly you hear hello.

You’re not alone on this as this problem is quite common among phone users including myself.

You may want to read What does cancelled call mean? All you need to know.

Now let me explain the causes and what you need to do.

What causes outgoing calls not ringing?

The major cause of outgoing calls not ringing is due to poor network coverage within an environment and this is usually caused by the recipient carrier network service and not the caller.

cant hear outgoing call ringing

For example, you called Charles from your mobile phone and you didn’t hear the ringback tone. You may think the problem is from your side or your mobile network, but that isn’t the case because the problem is from Charles network service.

This problem of outgoing calls not ringing doesn’t happen frequently or more often except in the case of a poor network coverage within the recipient environment.

Once there’s a poor network coverage or poor network service within an environment, outgoing calls not ringing tends to happen and this is from my experience.

Now let me explain the major causes of not being able to hear a ringback tone while calling someone on your mobile phone.

1. The network is overloaded

When a network service is overloaded, it tends to be very frustrating as it will make calls very difficult to go through, and internet will be extremely slow.

Aside from calls not going through and internet being very slow, you will notice that outgoing calls will not ring or you hear a ringback tone while calling someone.

2. The user is busy

By default when you dialed a number and the person is already on a call, you will see number busy. But sometimes it may not display number busy and instead the ringback tone will be silent at your end.

I’ve experienced this once and it never happened again.

In my own case, I called someone and never heard the ringback tone or the outgoing calls not ringing, after few seconds the call ended.

I tried the person’s number again and it showed number busy. Though I’m not quite sure the reason why there was ringback tone whej I first called the person, but I thought it was because the person was already on another call or busy.

3. Caused by a software update

Bad software update can cause outgoing calls not ringing, and I’ve seen lots of samsung phone users complain about this problem.

After they updated their phone, they could no longer hear ringback tone when calling someone on their phone. This happened to a friend of mine using the galaxy s20.

After he updated his mobile phone, he started experiencing ringback tone on all his calls. It was really frustrating for him because he will not hear a ringback tone but the recipient will answer the call.

3. Outgoing calls not ringing caused by poor network reception

This was my experience and it has occurred on several occasions.

Whenever I tried calling my sister I will not hear a ringback tone but she will answer the call. Sometimes the call will be breaking and mind you we’re on the same carrier network.

What she always says is they have poor network coverage in her environment and the network bar isn’t a good full. The network service just show 2 network bar.

What I’m trying to say I this situation is that when a recipient is within a location or an environment where there’s a poor network coverage, you will have a problem of outgoing calls not ringing.

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These are the major causes of you not hearing a ringback tone while calling someone from your mobile phone that I know.

The solution to no ringback tone while calling someone

These are the solutions for outgoing calls not ringing especially those using android phone as it seems quite popular among Android phone users.

1. Reset your network settings

The first thing you need to do is to reset your network settings if it tends to happen very often and all the numbers on your contact list.

  • What you have to do is to open the settings app and scroll down to about phone.
  • Tap and open about phone, and scroll to reset.
  • Tap to open reset and tap on reset network settings.
  • outgoing calls not ringing
  • Tap reset settings and after that kindly restart your phone.

This should solve the problem you’re having especially for samsung phone users.

2. Update your phone configuration settings

Some number of persons that are having issues of outgoing calls not ringing resolved the problem by simply updating their phone configuration settings.

Depending on your phone and it’s network service, try to update the configuration settings and check if it will resolve the problem for you.

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3. Restart your phone

If you’re using an iPhone and can’t seem to hear a ringback tone while calling someone on your phone, kindly restart your Iphone as it tends to resolve the problem of iphone not ringing outgoing calls.

If the problem of outgoing call not ringing is from the recipient side, there’s nothing you can do about that as it is usually caused by a poor network coverage.

If you cant hear outgoing call ringing while calling a particular number on your phone, you shouldn’t panic because the problem is caused by the recipient network service.

But if outgoing call doesn’t ring for all the contacts on your mobile phone, then you should be bothered because the problem may be caused by your network service provider, or your mobile phone.

The first and foremost to do is to restart your phone and check if it will resolve the problem of outgoing calls not ringing.

Related Questions

Why my phone doesnt ring when i make a call?

It may be caused by a poor network coverage, overloaded network, bad software update, or poor network settings configuration. Many a time this relates to the network service of the recipient or you the caller.

Iphone not ringing outgoing calls

Kindly restart your iPhone whenever you have this experience of iphone not ringing outgoing calls  as it usually caused by the phone network settings or the network service itself.

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Samsung phone not ringing outgoing calls

This is usually caused by software update as done quite number of samsung users have complained of having the issue of they cant hear outgoing call ringing while making a call.

Resetting the network phone settings tends to resolve the problem based on my own experience.

So you should try that as well.


For those complaining about android phone not ringing outgoing calls, kindly reset your phone network settings if this happens to all the contacts in your android phone.

Generally, you shouldn’t be so much bothered about outgoing calls not ringing as long as the call rings on the recipient side and the recipient answered the call. I do understand it can cause a lot of confusion of you thinking the call didn’t go through, but many a time it is usually caused by the Network service.

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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