If you unblock a number will you receive old texts? Detailed answer

Blocking and unblocking someone is something that we usually do, but the question is what will happen if you unblock the person on your phone.

This leads us to the question of the day, if you unblock a number will you receive old texts.

By default, you can the answer will be no. But that isn’t actually the case especially if you’re using an iPhone.

Let’s proceed.

if you unblock a number will you receive old texts

If you unblock a number will you receive old texts? 

By default you won’t be able to receive the messages especially on android, but you may receive the blocked messages on iPhone. 

Talking about if you unblock a number will you receive old texts, I will explain it based on android phone and iPhone because the way message blocking works on android is quite different on iphone. 

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If you unblock a number will you receive old texts on iphone?

You will likely to receive the blocked messages especially if the sender has send as sms enabled on his iPhone.

On iPhone, you will see two types of messages and which are the iMessage and the sms text message. 

Now if you block someone on iMessage or probably on your iPhone and which you later unblocked the person on your iPhone, you will receive the blocked messages but they will not be sent as iMessages but rather it will be delivered to you as sms text messages which will be green in color.

I did a test and found out that blocked messages or probably blocked iMessages will later be sent as sms text messages if the recipient unblocked the sender. 

However, this will go down to the recipient and if he or she enabled send as sms on his or her iPhone, and do have a text plan or an airtime. 

In a situation whereby the sender don’t have a texting plan or an airtime, the blocked message won’t be sent to you. 

Also, in a situation whereby the sender didn’t have the send as sms feature enabled on his or her iPhone, still the blocked messages won’t get delivered to you after you must have unblocked the sender.

This literally means that you as a recipient receiving the blocked messages will go down to the sender. If the mentioned features are lacking in the sender’s phone, don’t bother yourself as you won’t receive the blocked messages.

Again, if you expect to receive the blocked messages as iMessages, that will never happen as blocked iMessages will never get delivered but instead, they will be delivered as sms text message.

So you receiving blocked messages is not yours to do, but rather the sender, but send as sms must be enabled on the sender’s phone, and the sender must have a texting plan or an airtime.

Send as sms

The case is quite different on android especially as we have different brands of Androids phones and tablets.

Kindly note that since ios 16.4 update, you may not entirely receive the blocked messages be it sms text messages or iMessage. So asking if i unblock a number will i receive old messages? You will likely not going to receive the messages except if the recipient resent the messages. 

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If you unblock a number will you receive old texts on Android?

The straight answer is no. If you unblock someone or a number on an android phone, you will never receive the old texts or blocked text messages. 

I did a test using the Google messages which is the most common used messaging app on android, and the Samsung messages.

On both messaging apps, if you block and unblock someone, you won’t receive the blocked messagesand this applies to both sms text messages and the rcs chat message.

As you all know that we have the rcs chat message which is similar to Apple iMessage, on android you can send and receive messages using the internet and not cellular network service. 

If you block someone on the Google messages app or the Samsung app, you have automatically blocked the person from sending rcs chat messages to you.

However, if you decide to unblock the person on your android phone or tablet, you won’t be able to retrieve or receive the blocked messages just like on iPhone except if you requested that the messages should be resent back to your phone. 

But the question is;

Which sender would want to resend a message after unblocking him or her?

No sender will do such. 

So if you want to block someone on your android phone, be sure that you wouldn’t want to receive messages from the person so that you won’t come up with the question of if you unblock a number will you receive old texts. 

How to see blocked messages on iPhone?

On iPhone, there is no provision or option to see blocked messages except if the blocked messages are resent as sms text messages. 

If you actually think that there’s a folder for blocked messages on iPhone, I’m sorry but you’re wrong. 

There’s no option or folder for blocked messages but you can receive blocked messages on iPhone after unblocking a number on your iPhone. 

Like I said earlier, it goes down to the sender and how the sender set up his or her message settings. 

If you care to scroll up, I said that if a sender enabled Send as sms on hod or her iPhone, you will receive the blocked messages after you have unblocked the sender thanks to the Send as SMS feature on iPhone.

When you unblock someone or a number on your iPhone, what it will do is to resend the iMessages to sms text messages.

But if the sender turned off send as sms or has no texting plan or an airtime, then you should know you won’t receive the blocked messages.

So asking if you unblock someone do you get their texts, the answer is yes on iPhone but a big no if you’re using an android phone.

How to get unblocked on messages

One of effective ways to get unblocked on messages is to request that the other person should unblock you as there’s no possible means,  to unblock yourself on someone’s else phone.

The way blocking works on android id quite different on iPhone. 

On Android: If you block someone on the message app, the person will still be able to call your line or number unless you went ahead to block the person on the phone app.

Maybe I should say this is how blocking someone on samsung phone works as android phones differs from one another. The way phone blocking works on samsung phone will be quite different on google pixel or xiaomi phones.

So if you want to completely block someone on your android phone, you will block the person on the phone app and as well as the Messages app.

On iPhone: If you block someone on the Messages app, you have generally blocked the person on the phone app, sms text messages, iMessages, facetime and even on find my friends or Apple location sharing. 

This means the person won’t be able to send you both iMessage and SMS text message, call you on cellular call and facetime, and being able to see your location on iPhone or any other apple device.

Asking if you unblock a number will the messages come through, kindly note that it depends on the type of phone someone is using but by default the messages won’t come and this applies to android phones.

Related Questions

Can you see messages after unblocking someone on Instagram? 

The answer is no. You cannot see messages after unblocking someone on instagram. 

Do blocked messages get delivered when unblocked discord? 

The answer is no. You cannot see messages after unblocking someone on discord. 

Can you see messages after unblocking someone on Messenger? 

No, you cannot see messages after unblocking someone on messenger except if you request for the blocked messages to be resent to your phone. 

Do you get messages after unblocking?

You will get messages after unblocking a number on your iPhone though it will be sent as sms text message, but on android, you won’t receive messages after unblocking a number on your android phone or tablet.

Lastly before I go, if you unblock a number will you receive old texts? The answer is no, you will likely not going to receive the old blocked messages but rather the subsequent messages.

And this is where I draw the curtain on today’s question, if you unblock a number will you receive old texts on iPhone and android phone. 

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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