Does imessage turn green when blocked? Answered

On iPhone, there are two ways of sending messages and which includes the default sms text message and the iMessage.

Mostly every iPhone user usually send iMessages but sometimes you might end up sending sms text message instead of iMessage to one contact on your iPhone and you may be wondering why such happened.

This leads us to the question of the day as to why you are sending a green text message on your iPhone to a particular contact.

Does imessage turn green when blocked?

The simple answer is no. iMessage does not turn green when blocked but rather iMessage will only turn green if the recipient phone number is not activated with iMessage.

The above explanation is one major reason you are sending green sms text messages and not the blue iMessages.

Before going further into the article, first let me explain what the green sms text message mean on iPhone and as well as the iMessage as it is very essential to the question of the day on does imessage turn green when blocked on iPhone.

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What is the green text message on iPhone 

does imessage turn green when blocked

Green text message on iPhone is the default sms text message that make use of the cellular network in sending messages from one user to another.

Green text message is called the sms text message and it requires a sim card, cellular network service and a texting plan or an airtime.

You can seamlessly sent text messages using the default sms text message but you can’t send pictures, files or documents using this type of text messaging but rather will use mms messaging. 

Without an active cellular network service on your iPhone, you can’t send the default sms text message and also sim card is a must for green text message on iphone.

I will recommend you to enable the green text message in case yo want to send a message when your iMessage is not available. Please note that not having an active internet connection will prevent your iMessage from being available or active, I will explain more about it in this article.

Now let me show you how to enable green text message on your iPhone especially when iMessage is not available. 

How to enable the green text message on iPhone

1. To enable sms text message on iphone, simply open the settings app and scroll down to MESSAGES and open it.

does imessage turn green when blocked

Once you have opened the messages app, scroll down and you will see where it states send as sms (when imessage is unavailable. Network provider messaging rates may apply).

Send as sms when imessage is unavailable

Please go ahead and turn on send as sms by sliding the button to the right and it will turn green in color just like the above picture. 

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What will happen after you turned on send as sms?

You will now be able to send the default green sms text messages especially when your iMessage is not available or probably sending messages to someone not using using iMessage or iPhone.

For example, you happen t find yourself in a situation whereby there’s no active internet connection like the Wi-Fi or cellular data to send iMessages, sms text message will come to the rescue but only if you have a texting plan or an airtime.

Also you can send sms green text messages to android phone users or to someone not using iPhone or te iMessage.

This is why the default sms text message is still very important today aside from the fact we now have iMessage, Skype, Facebook messenger, telegram, whatsapp, viber, etc.

The iMessage

iMessage is another means of sending messages on iPhone and which is blue in color. iMessage which is an instant messaging service was released in 2011 by Apple for Apple users to send instant messages on their Apple devices. 

So far iMessage only works on Apple devices like the iPhone, iPad, Mac or the Apple watch.

For you to use iMessage on your iPhone or iPad, these requirements are needed;

  • You must have an active internet connection on your device.
  • iMessage must be enabled.
  • The recipient must have iMessage on it’s device as well.

These are very essential when it comes to sending iMessages on your iPhone, iPad, Mac or the Apple watch.

Noe let’s go back to the question being asked on if at all does imessage turn green when blocked. Kindly note that iMessage will not show green when blocked but rather the recipient doesn’t have iMessage on it’s device. 

Aside from that let me explain the reasons why iMessage shows green instead of blue. 

Reasons why iMessage shows green instead of blue

The main reasons why iMessage shows green instead of blue are as follows;

  1. The recipient phone number is not activated with iMessage.
  2. The recipient is using android phone or a feature phone. 
  3. The sender’s iMessage is not available.
  4. The sender is using a phone number not linked with iMessage to send a message on it’s iPhone. 

Now let me explain them one after the other.

1. The recipient phone number is not activated with iMessage

For iMessage to work, both the recipient and the sender’s phone number must be activated with iMessage else it will send as sms text message which is green in color.

Talking about does imessage turn green when blocked, it is likely that the recipient phone number is not linked or activated with iMessage and that’s why it is sending as an sms text message.

Why I’m saying this is because this usually occurs on sending text messages to a phone number instead of an Apple ID which is an email address. If you send a text message to an email address or Apple ID which is no longer connected with iMessage, the text message will show not delivered

iMessage not saying delivered

2. The recipient is using android phone or a feature phone

This is another reason why iMessage will show green instead of blue when sending a text message to someone. You are probably sending a text message to an android phone user instead of an iPhone user.

As iMessage is not available on android, the text message will be green in color which signifies sms text message or the cellular network service text message.

3. The sender’s iMessage is not available

Like I said earlier, for iMessage to work it must available and active else you will end up sending sms text messages on your iPhone.

If by mistake your iMessage was disabled then you have to turn it back on. To do so, open the settings app and scroll down to messages and open it.

Right there you will see iMessage and by default it will be enabled. But if it is not then you have to turn it on by sliding the button and which will turn green in color just like the picture below.

does imessage turn green when blocked

Once you enable iMessage on your iPhone, you have to wait for it to activate both your phone number and Apple ID for the iMessage. After it is done with the activation, below iMessage you will see Send and Receive 2 Addresses just like on the above picture.

If you don’t have a sim card in your iPhone it will only activate your Apple ID with iMessage. Remember, you must have an active internet connection on your phone to be able to activate iMessage with your phone number and Apple ID.

These are the main reasons why iMessage is sending green text message to a recipient and not that you have been blocked by the recipient.

How do you know you are blocked on imessage?

To know if you are blocked on iMessage, send an iMessage and if it doesn’t get delivered then it is a strong indication that you are blocked by the recipient.

Now listen;

If you happen to send a couple of iMessages to this particular recipient which doesn’t show delivered after sending the iMessages, it may be due to the fact that the recipient has indeed blocked you on it’s message app.

In order to confirm if truly you have been blocked by the recipient, try to use another Apple ID to send a text message to the recipient and see if it will get delivered. If it does get delivered then indeed you have been blocked by the recipient.

Remember, iMessage must say or show delivered to tell the sender that the sent message was a successful one and the recipient has received the sent text message on it’s iPhone.

does imessage turn green when blocked

The picture above is a typical example of when blocked on IMessage as it doesn’t show delivered below the sent iMessages.

Like I said, if this happens on multiple occasions and different periods of time, then it is a strong indication that you have been blocked by the recipient. 

Remember, if someone’s iPhone is switched off or has no active internet connection, iMessage will not say delivered but it will look like the above picture.

Once again, does imessage turn green when blocked? iMessage does not turn turn green blocked but rather iMessage will only turn green if the recipient phone number is not activated with iMessage.

If someone’s phone is broken will messages still deliver?

As long as the broken phone has an active internet connection and iMessage is active in the phone, iMessage will still say delivered.

iMessage will not say delivered if the broken phone is switched off or has no internet connection. If the phone is badly damaged to the extent it doesn’t power on then it is deemed to be switched off or offline and which literally means that iMessage will be unavailable in the phone.

How long will imessage try to send messages 

iMessage usually take a good 72 hrs to send a message especially if the recipient phone is switched off or offline.

iMessage just like the default sms text message will take up to 72 hours or several days to deliver a sent message to a recipient. I saying this based on my experience and after three days the sent iMessage was delivered to my phone. 

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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