Trying to use the internet or probably use Google apps on your android phone but couldn’t because it says offline, and you can’t seem to understand or find out what is causing the problem because you have a working internet connection on your android phone.
This is what this post is all about, helping you to resolve the issue of why is my android phone offline.
This problem is very common in Google assistant, gmail app, the outlook app, Google map and other Google apps.
Having issue of android phone offline isn’t caused by your internet connection, but rather this is a bug caused by the google app.
Now let’s proceed on how you can resolve the issue.
Why is my android phone offline – a working solution
Generally, to fix android phone offline or no network available, kindly uninstall update from the Google app and it will resolve the problem on your android phone.
What I mentioned above is the general fix so let’s proceed on taking them one after the other starting from the Google assistant showing Offline or no network available check your connection and try again.
1. Fix android phone offline on google assistant (OK Google)
This problem is very common among Android users and that’s why question like why is my android phone offline is very popular in forums.
If you can’t seem to connect and use the google assistant on your android phone because of the offline problem, this is how to resolve the problem.
Kindly open the google play store, and search for google. Open the google app and tap on uninstall just like on the picture below.
It will ask if you want to uninstall updates from the app, kindly tap ok to uninstall updates from the app.
After the google app is uninstalled, you have to reinstall the app back to your android phone by simply tapping on the update button. Wait for the app to download and install new updates for google app. After the installation is complete, open the google app and check if the google assistant is working.
Remember not to turn off your android phone internet connection or put your phone on flight mode unless you’re using a Wi-Fi.
2. Fix no network available on google map
Google map is another popular Google app that shows no network available while trying to use the app. In order to fix the problem, you have to uninstall updates from the app.
If you clear data and cache, you will still face this problem so the only option you have is to uninstall updates from the Google map.
To clear updates from the app, you can go to the settings app on your android phone, scroll down to app, open it and search for maps.
You will see Google map, tap on it to open.
Tap on the hamburger menu (the three dots at the top right corner) and you will see uninstall updates.
Tap on the button and updates will be removed from the Google map.
Another method is to open the play store, search for google map and tap to open the app. Tap on the uninstall button and it will ask “Do you want to uninstall all updates to this Android system app?””
Go ahead and tap uninstall.
You also have to reinstall the app back to your phone, kindly tap on update to install the latest updates on the Google map. After the installation is complete, open the google map and you will see the problem of no network available won’t be there.
If you follow this process you won’t open your browser searching for why is my android phone offline cause this is a sure fix for google map.
3. Fix why is my android phone offline on gmail account
For those having issues of why is my phone offline for Gmail app, this is how to fix the problem on your android phone.
Kindly open the settings app and scroll down to app. Open and search for gmail, tap to open the Gmail. Look below your screen and you will see the force stop button, tap on the button to stop the Gmail app from running in your phone.
Open the Gmail app from the app drawer or probably use the app manager to open the Gmail app without going to the app drawer.
If after force stopping the Gmail app and still the problem was not resolved, then you have to uninstall updates from the Gmail app just like others.
Delete or uninstall updates from the Gmail app by opening the settings app, scroll down to apps, open it and search for Gmail. Open the app and tap on the hamburger menu to uninstall updates from the app.
Open the google play store, search for Gmail and tap to open. Tap on uninstall to remove all the updates made on the Gmail app. Afterwards reinstall the app by tapping on the update button.
Wait till the update and installation is completed, open the Gmail app and definitely the problem will be resolved. No need searching for why is my android phone offline for Gmail app cause this is a sure fix.
You can read more:
- Does playing games damage iPhone (Knowing the fact)
- What happens when you force stop whatsapp (Android & iPhone)
- Where are pdf files stored on iphone (See where to find it)
Fix why is my phone offline by clearing data from the Google play services
This is the last option you have in solving this problem of why is my android phone offline, by clearing data from your google play services.
All Google apps are linked to the Google play services, including other Android apps. If the Google play services is inactive, these Google apps including YouTube app will not work.
You having the problem of no network or your android phone is offline may be caused by the google play services. So what you need to do is to clear data and cache, and uninstall updates from the play services.
To get started, open the settings app on your android phone.
Scroll down to apps, tap to open it.
Now you have to search for google play services among the list, and open the play services.
First, I will recommend you to clear data and cache from the play services to resolve the problem you’re having.
So you have to tap on storage, look below your screen and you will see a manage storage button. Tap on the button and you will see three options to clear data from the play store.
For this problem of why is my android phone offline, you have to clear all data.
Go ahead and clear data from the Google play services.
Clearing data from the Google play services doesn’t mean you will delete your google account, but instead it will be removed from your android phone.
To sign in to your Google account after clearing data from the play services, on the settings app scroll down to Google and tap to open.
Automatically it will request you to sign in to your Google account, kindly do as requested by the play services. Open the google app you’re having problem with and check to see if the problem is still there or probably resolved.
If the problem is still there then you have to remove updates from the Google play services.
Open the google play services from the settings app and tap on the hamburger menu. Tap on uninstall updates and press back.
By default, the play services will automatically install updates without you doing it manually. After the app automatically updates on it’s own, open the app you’re having issues and definitely it should resolve the problem.
You can read more:
- How to restart google play store app on android
- Google play store icon missing on android (Best fix)
- Tutorial on how to conference call on android phone
All these are how to fix why is my android phone offline based on the method that i know and have used in resolving my own problem especially the google assistant showing no network or your phone is offline.
My phone keeps telling me off line…..research suggest you uninstall google in play store……need to be on line to do so…
Then it isn’t a free service so see ya