Whatsapp is undoubtedly the best messaging network is the world today, even though we have the likes of telegram, Skype, Duo, etc. There’s no doubt that whatsapp is the most popular among them.
Back then Skype was the best when it comes to video call, but right now whatsapp has overshadowed the app though many people are still using it to chat and for video call.
Now looking at the question of does whatsapp work without wifi?
Do you think that you cannot use WhatsApp to chat or make calls without using the Wi-Fi, honestly you may be pretty much wrong thinking this way.
This is the main focus of this post, how possible can you use WhatsApp without WiFi or data.
Does whatsapp work without wifi?
Absolutely yes.
WhatsApp can work without wifi though you must have an active mobile data in order to send messages, or make calls using the whatsapp mobile app.
Do you know that in some countries especially the third world countries they hardly make use of the wifi, they mostly use mobile data for their internet services. So if whatsapp is restricted to wifi only, what will be faith of these people?
This is why you can use both the wifi or mobile data to access your whatsapp.
In order words, if maybe the question of does whatsapp work without wifi simply means if it is possible to use WhatsApp without internet connection, then that is simply no.
The answer is no cause you will need internet connection to send a message or receive call from whatsapp. I’ve seen where it is stated that you can now send messages on whatsapp without using internet connection.
However, the truth here is that before the message will go through, there must be a working internet services else it won’t go through. I’ve tried sending a message on whatsapp without wifi or data, the message was sent but wasn’t delivered to the recipient.
Immediately I turned on my wifi, the message was delivered to the person. So if you’re trying to know how possible it will be to use WhatsApp without WiFi or even mobile data, that won’t be possible cause you need any of the two in order to access whatsapp.
Going by the question once more, does whatsapp work without wifi, you cannot view a friend’s profile, refresh your whatsapp or add picture to your profile without using a working Wi-Fi or mobile data.
If you doubt so then you can make a trial.
Why I’m saying this is because I have see some sites stating that one can use WhatsApp without WiFi or data, but that’s absolutely fallacy.
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Yes you send the message, but it won’t be delivered to the person. You can’t make or receive calls as it won’t go through, you can’t refresh your whatsapp, check friends profile and lots more without having a working Wi-Fi or mobile data.
Good thing about sending message on whatsapp without wifi or data
One major advantage of sending messages on whatsapp without using the wifi or data is to enable you stay offline.
Maybe you don’t want to stay online and for people to see that you’re online while sending the messages, you can just put your mobile phone offline or in airplane mode and send the messages. As you’re done sending the messages, turn off the airplane mode and connect your phone to a wifi or data, immediately all the messages will be delivered.
As the messages are being delivered to the recipient(s), it will display that you’re offline.
Some few persons use this method to send messages to their whatsapp friends especially if they want to go on chatting with the person.
Do you need wifi for WhatsApp video calls and or voice call
Yes of course, you need WiFi or data for WhatsApp video calls and chat else the calls and chat will never go through.
If you don’t want to use your wifi for the video call, you can then use a mobile data though it will consume lots of data or quite costly i must admit. This is why I prefer to use wifi for WhatsApp video call but in the case or situation whereby you’re only restricted to use a data or mobile data, you can still use it to make whatsapp video call so or voice calls.
Wifi isn’t necessarily compulsory on whatsapp, the only major advantage is that it is quite cost effective compared to using a data or mobile data.
I can use mobile data to chat on whatsapp, but when it comes to voice call or video call, I use my wifi. It is pretty much cost effective compared to using my mobile data for WhatsApp video call or even voice call.
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Nevertheless, you don’t necessarily need WiFi for WhatsApp video call and voice call. This is same with the question of does whatsapp work without wifi or strictly with wifi connection.
Can you use WhatsApp without WiFi or data?
Absolutely no. You can’t use WhatsApp without WiFi or data.
WhatsApp requires internet connection like wifi or data in order to function, if there’s no working wifi or data on your mobile phone, you can’t use WhatsApp.
And what I mean to say is that you can’t chat on whatsapp, do a video call or voice call, update your whatsapp profile or check your friends profiles. It is compulsory or probably a must that you must have a working Wi-Fi or data in order to do these things.
Is just like saying can you use the Facebook or the messenger without internet connection!
That isn’t possible and will not happen as you need internet connection to open your Facebook account or chat with your friends on Facebook messenger.
So there’s no way you can use WhatsApp without WiFi or data. You must either use a working Wi-Fi or a valid data else you can’t use your whatsapp. Internet connection must be active in order to use WhatsApp on your mobile phone.
Mind you, this also goes with the question of do you need the internet for WhatsApp?
Absolutely yes, you must have a working internet services in order to use WhatsApp on your mobile phone else forget about it.
How does whatsapp work without wifi
For whatsapp to work without wifi, the user must get or buy a mobile data from it’s network provider. This is the only way the user can use WhatsApp without WiFi but rather the mobile data.
There’s no any other way for WhatsApp to work without wifi but rather buying a mobile data because whatsapp requires internet connection to function.
Just like asking the question of does whatsapp work without wifi, yes it can but you need to have an active mobile data. For messages to be delivered, there must be a working internet connection. For video call and voice call to go through, there must be an active internet connection.
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So if you don’t have a wifi, the only option you have is to buy a mobile data.
Does whatsapp work on wifi without sim card?
Yes, whatsapp can work on wifi without a SIM card as long as you have activated whatsapp on your mobile phone. You can remove your sim and still use your whatsapp through wifi.
What matters most is activating whatsapp through the sim card and on the mobile phone. Once your done, you can remove the sim card from your phone but your whatsapp won’t be affected.
Where problem lies in the situation where by you don’t have an active wifi but uses the mobile data to browse the internet, then you must have your sim card with an active mobile data before you can use your whatsapp.
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With all these said so far, I do hope you the understood the answer to the question of does whatsapp work without wifi. However, if you’re still confused I’m here to assist you with your questions.
Hi. Your information was very informative. Thanks. 👍👍👍