Always getting pissed off whenever whatsapp call interrupted by phone call, I have the best working solution for right on this post and you will never see that happen to you again.
As whatsapp has grown and become very popular, many users prefer to use it for their calls and be it a video call, or probably a voice call. For many users, it is cost effective compared to using a cellular network to make calls from their mobile phone.
I myself, I do make use of whatsapp for my calls and most times I prefer the video call to the voice call. I noticed that if I’m making a video call on whatsapp and a cellular call comes in, the call will be interrupted especially if I’m using a mobile data for the call. This can be quite annoying especially if you don’t value the cellular call or see no need in answering the phone call.
This is what I will explain to you, how to prevent whatsapp call interrupted by phone call.
Now let’s jump in.
How to prevent whatsapp call interrupted by phone call
To prevent cellular calls or phone calls from interrupting your whatsapp call, what you will have to do is to turn off the mobile network and use only Wi-Fi. After you’re done with the whatsapp call, you can turn on the mobile network on your mobile phone.
As long as mobile network is activated on your mobile phone, during WhatsApp call there are chances that you will get interrupted with cellular or phone calls. Just like I said this can be quite annoying if you don’t fancy the phone call.
Note that whatsapp call interrupted by phone call do occur if the user is using a mobile data to make the whatsapp call. If you’re using a Wi-Fi network, you will have no problem as the call won’t get interrupted.
Where the problem lies in preventing phone calls from interrupting whatsapp calls if you’re using a mobile data for the whatsapp call.
If you’re using a mobile data to make whatsapp calls, there’s no way you can prevent interruption from phone calls or cellular calls cause immediately you turn off your mobile network, the whatsapp call will stop as well.
Again I noticed that Whatsapp calls are usually interrupted if you’re using a mobile data to make the calls instead of a Wi-Fi. Yes and this has happened to me a multiple times, my whatsapp calls stopping immediately a phone calls comes in.
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Sometimes whenever I’m using my Wi-Fi and a cellular calls comes in, what I will be seeing is call awaiting and my call will not be interrupted. This isn’t the case if you’re using the mobile data to make calls on whatsapp.
However, if you’re using a Wi-Fi and still experiences whatsapp call interrupted by phone call during a whatsapp call, I advise you to kindly turn off the mobile data and it will never happen until you’re done with the call.
Will whatsapp calling show up busy if i am on cell phone
No, whatsapp will not show busy if you’re on cell phone call. I’m saying this based on observation using whatsapp on my android phone.
What I observed is that the whatsapp call will be ringing on the callers side, but the recipient will not know about the call until he or she is done with the cell phone call. Immediately the whatsapp call will come in even if the caller has ended the whatsapp call.
However, if a user is using a Wi-Fi to make calls on whatsapp, be rest assured that your whatsapp calls won’t be intrreupted and it won’t display that you’re busy.
WhatsApp will only show busy if you’re making calls on whatsapp, and another user calls you on whatsapp. In this situation, whatsapp will display busy to the other whatsapp caller.
How to put a whatsapp call on hold
As at this time of writing this post, whatsapp doesn’t have a feature whereby you can put a call on hold. So if you’re looking for how to put a whatsapp call on hold, I’m sorry that is not possible on whatsapp at this moment.
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Both on android and iPhone, there’s no feature to put a call on hold on whatsapp. Let’s wait and see if whatsapp will later on add the feature on the social messaging app.
Can i still receive normal calls when in a whatsapp voice call
Yes of course. If you’re on whatsapp voice call you can still receive normal calls on your mobile phone. If you’re using a mobile data to make a voice call on whatsapp, the call will be interrupted immediately a phone or cellular call comes in.
This is why I came up with the topic of the post on how to prevent whatsapp call interrupted by phone call.
However, the case is different if you’re using a Wi-Fi to make calls on whatsapp. The call won’t be interrupted but you will see the incoming call on your mobile phone. You can chose to answer the incoming call or end the call and continue with the whatsapp call.
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How to avoid normal call during WhatsApp call
To avoid normal call during, try as much as possible to use WiFi for your whatsapp call and you can also turn off mobile network on your phone by simply activating the airplane mode. Doing this will prevent normal incoming call from disrupting your whatsapp call.
This is same with what is being asked on this post, how to prevent whatsapp call interrupted by phone call.
Note that if you use WiFi to make whatsapp calls, normal phone calls will go through but it won’t disrupt your whatsapp calls. If you use a mobile data, reverse is the case cause the whatsapp call will definitely be disrupted.
If you’re also looking for how can you avoid being disconnected on a whatsapp call when someone calls your mobile, you should also do that as well. Simply use a Wi-Fi network for your whatsapp calls and turning off mobile network from your phone during the whatsapp call.
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Now you have seen how to prevent whatsapp call interrupted by phone call, it is left for you to make your decision to either use WiFi for your whatsapp calls and prevent normal phone call interruptions. If you don’t have an active Wi-Fi but rather use mobile data for your whatsapp calls, I’m soryy there’s no solution for you as at this moment of writing this post.