The customer you are trying to text is out of service (What it means)

Trying to send a text message to a contact in your mobile phone but couldn’t simply because you’re getting a notification or message which you don’t even understand what it actually meant.

What the network is trying to tell.

So here today I will explain some of the messages that is being automatically sent while trying to send or even call a person.

The customer you are trying to text is out of service and what does it mean.

This means the person you’re trying to send a text message it’s mobile number is not available, and this can be caused due to poor network reception or the carrier network has disconnected the person’s phone number.

This is the first answer though there are many reasons why such occurred and that which I will explain in this article including the solution to the problem.

Let’s continue.

the customer you are trying to text is out of service

What does the customer you are trying to text is out of service mean?

This means the person’s number whom you’re sending a text message is not reachable or available due to the fact the number has been blocked by the network provider, or due to poor network, etc.

Now I will take them one after the other the reasons why you’re having such problem while trying to send a text message to a contact on your mobile phone.

They are as follows;

1. The phone number is disconnected

One of the major reasons or causes of the customer you are trying to text is out of service  is when the phone number has been disconnected by the carrier network.

Most times whenever I received this type of message stating out of service or temporary out of service, I’m rest assured that the recipient phone has been blocked by the network provider.

This is caused due to non payment of phone bill.

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2. Poor network reception

Having a poor network reception is another causes of the customer you are trying to text is out of service. In this type of situation, the recipient is within in an environment where there is a bad network coverage.

Most times having a poor or bad network prevent text messages or calls from going through more especially calls.

3. The phone is on airplane mode

This is quite similar to switching off the the phone because no cellular network service will be available except for Wi-Fi.

If someone enables the airplane mode on it’s mobile phone, calling the person will be abortive because there’s no way you can reach the person through phone calls or text messages.

In some cases you may hear the customer you are trying to reach is temporarily out of service while sending a text message to the person, or probably received the customer you are trying to text is out of service.

4. The phone is switched off

When a person’s switched off, it’s mobile phone and everything related to the phone will be inactive including alarms set in the mobile phone.

Trying to send a text message to a number that is switched off, you may receive this notification of the the customer you are trying to text is out of service or probably the number you’re calling is switched off.

Sometimes the network service may not say switched off but rather out of service.

I want you to know that this message is also used to play prank or trick people into thinking maybe the recipient phone number is not available or probably out of service, while in the real sense the phone number is very much active.

I don’t really know how they do it, but it does happen and the caller or the sender will think that the recipient isn’t available as at that moment.

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The solution to out of service

You constantly receive the customer you are trying to text is out of service while trying to send a text message to a contact in your mobile phone, this is what you have to do.

You have to download and install any of the instant messaging apps like whatsapp, Skype, Facebook messenger, telegram, Google voice, Google duo, or even use the imessage for ios users. 

I recommend using whatsapp, Google voice, imessage, or Skype sms feature.

All these doesn’t require cellular network service but rather the make use of the internet like Wi-Fi or a cellular data.

So if you kept on receiving the customer you are trying to text is out of service for a particular phone number in your contact list, use of the options to send a message to the recipient.

You can use the google voice app as it will assign a phone number to you, and with the assigned phone number you can receive and send text messages, make and receive calls from users not entirely using the Google voice.

Lastly if the person you’re trying to send a text message faked the customer you are trying to text is out of service for your number, using any of the instant messaging apps will make you detect that indeed the recipient number is available and going through but he chose to fake the message notification.

what does message 2110 mean

What does message 2110 mean?

Message 2110 mean the number you’re trying to call or send a text is not available due to the fact it’s mobile phone is switched off, no network coverage, or the number has been blocked by the network operator. 

Most times you will receive this error message of the customer you are trying to text is out of service. message 2110 while trying to send a text message to the person.

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Related Questions

The customer you are trying to text is temporarily out of service. message 2110

This is caused when trying to send a text message to a number that has been blocked or disconnected by the network provider due to non payment of phone bill.

This also goes to the customer you are trying to text is out of service. msg or msg 2132 out of service.

What message do you get when you text a blocked number?

Most times it will be the number you are trying to text is out of service or not available depending on the network operator.

What should I do if my SMS service is not working?

If your sms service is not working due to non payment of phone bill, you don’t have any other option than to pay your bills or use instant messaging apps or services to send, and to receive text messages.

In this aspect the google voice app comes in handy or you can Skype sms feature though it is not for free.

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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