Thanks to the modern technology sending messages is now a lot easier than when we do use the feature phone to send a sms text message from Mr A to Mr B.
Now we have the likes of whatsapp, Skype, Facebook messenger, telegram, etc. This makes it lot easier to send a message to anyone than before.
In this article, we’ll be focusing on WhatsApp vs texting which is the best to use for your day to day sending of messages text messages or chats.
Generally, everyone will definitely say whatsapp has an edge over texting and whereas the app is the most popular when it comes to instant messaging app on mobile phones. There’s no need to argue about that but it has it’s flaws as well.
All these we’ll be looking into, the difference between sms and whatsapp, and why use whatsapp instead of text.
First, let me explain the two terms as some people might get confused trying to understand texting and whatsapp because they might seem the same.
WhatsApp Messenger App
Whatsapp messenger is an instant messaging app that allows a user to send and receive messages from anywhere in the world though there are countries that banned whatsapp.
The app which was first released in 2009, is the most popular and commonly used instant messaging app today and there’s no doubt about this statement.
You can seamlessly send messages, files, videos or audio by using WiFi or data, and can make a video chat and a voice chat as well.
SMS texting on phone
SMS text message requires a user or a person to send a text message to another person by simply using the cellular network service and which requires a sim card, texting plan or an airtime.
There are limits using the default message app to send a text message to someone especially when it comes to sending files.
Remember, there’s nothing like video chat or even voice chat cause making a video call using the cellular network cannot be done on the default messages app except for instant messaging apps like whatsapp, Skype, Facebook messenger, telegram, facetime, etc
Now let’s head over to the topic, WhatsApp vs texting what’s the difference and which one is the best.
WhatsApp vs texting, what is the difference?
WhatsApp requires Wi-Fi or data to send or receive a message, files, do a video chat or voice chat while sms texting only requires the use of a cellular network to send a message to another person.
To further explain the difference between WhatsApp vs texting, I will list them one after the other.
1. WhatsApp vs texting in terms of sending a message
Sending a message using whatsapp is lot better compared to using the default message app to send a message.
With WhatsApp, you can send a very long note with characters, icons and reactions, this is very much different when it comes to using the default message app to text to another person.
There are limits as to the number of texts you will enter into the message box, and each limits consist of the charges or fee for the text message. When you add pictures and files to the text message, the charges or fee increases.
2. Means of sending a message
One major difference between WhatsApp vs texting is the fact that whatsapp uses Wi-Fi or data to send a message, while texting requires the cellular network to send a message.
In this aspect, texting has an edge over whatsapp.
If you found your yourself where there’s no available Wi-Fi and you don’t have a cellular data to browse or use on your whatsapp, you don’t have any option than to use the default messages app to send the text message using your cellular network.
If you’re looking for the difference between sms and whatsapp, kindly know that sms uses the cellular network, while whatsapp uses both Wi-Fi and data.
You can read more:
- Can you use whatsapp to call someone without whatsapp
- Are both callers shown online during whatsapp video call
- If you leave a WhatsApp group can you still read the messages
3. Know when someone is typing a message
With WhatsApp, you can easily know when someone is typing a message to you, but this is not possible on texting with a message app.
Forget about the imessage or the google rcs feature that enables this feature on the default message app. Remember, the google messages app called the rcs a chat feature, and this is quite different from texting.
One major advantages of whatsapp over texting is the fact that you will know when someone is typing to you on whatsapp, but this is not possible on texting.
4. WhatsApp vs texting: Ability to do a video call
This is another major difference between WhatsApp vs texting, the ability to do a video call using whatsapp messenger, and also a voice call.
Texting only requires sending a message and this does not include calling someone. However, if you decided to add the call feature of the mobile phone, whatsapp still has an edge over texting because of the video call feature.
5. Group messaging
You can create a group and send a message to all the group members on whatsapp, and you will see if the message has been received and read by the participating group members.
On texting, there’s nothing like creating a group. You can only send a message to multiple contacts and will be notified if the sent messages are delivered to the contacts and that’s all.
You can never know if they read the message or not, but as long as they received the text message, you’re assured they will read the text message.
This is another difference between WhatsApp vs texting.
6. Status update
One of whatsapp features I love so much is the status update, you can post a status on your whatsapp profile like pictures, short video clip, and share it on your profile.
All your friends or anyone that has your whatsapp number can view the status update.
Texting, the case is completely different.
There’s nothing like status updates or any kind.
It is all about texting, sending a text message or you can navigate depending on your phone and make a call.
I can go on and on to explain the difference between sms and whatsapp. But this is where I will draw the line for now, and you have truly seen what you need to know on WhatsApp vs texting.
7. WhatsApp vs texting: You can text to anyone on any cellular network
This is where texting beats whatsapp hands down. You can text to any phone, any phone number, and any cellular network.
This is very different from whatsapp cause you cannot use WhatsApp to text to someone using Skype, telegram, Facebook messenger, viber, etc.
You can only send a whatsapp message to someone using whatsapp, and whom you have it’s whatsapp number.
In general, the difference between WhatsApp vs regular text is the fact that whatsapp uses Wi-Fi and data, while regular text or texting uses the cellular network.
Advantages of whatsapp over texting
The major advantage of whatsapp over texting is the ability to do a video call, know when someone is typing to you, know when someone read your sent message, create a status, etc.
The only major flaws about whatsapp is that you cannot use the messenger app in a place where there’s no available Wi-Fi or you don’t have a data, or probably no internet connection in the area.
Another major flaws of whatsapp is the fact that you cannot send a whatsapp message to someone using Skype, telegram, Facebook messenger, viber, etc. You can use the cellular network to text to someone from another cellular network, and using another phone.
Aside from these two, whatsapp has a huge edge over texting.
Does WhatsApp use text messages?
WhatsApp does not use text messages, but rather it has it’s unique means of sending a message which is usually called chat. That is to say that you can use WhatsApp to send a message to another whatsapp user without bothering to open your default text messages app.
This is both on android and iPhone, and includes on tablet as well.
If you want to send a message to someone using whatsapp messenger, you simply have to open whatsapp on your mobile phone, locate the user on your whatsapp contact list and send your message.
There’s no need opening the default message app to send a whatsapp message.
Remember, both participants must have an active whatsapp on their mobile phones.
Is WhatsApp safer than messages?
WhatsApp text messaging is now encrypted compared to sms text messages that is not encrypted.
If you’re using an android phone and Google messages rcs chat, you will see a locked key icon and this means that the texts are encrypted. You won’t see such on the default sms text messages.
Also, iMessages are encrypted but green text messages on iPhone are not encrypted.
Does WhatsApp show your phone number?
WhatsApp do show it’s users phone number and whereas, as long as someone sent a text message to you on whatsapp, it simply means the person has your whatsapp number.
What is the difference between whatsapp and regular texting? The difference between whatsapp and regular texting is that whatsapp is an instant messaging service that uses internet, while the regular texting uses the cellular network service.
You can read more:
- Does whatsapp work without wifi (3 Helpful tips)
- Does WhatsApp show online when on video call
- Does whatsapp show online when in background
This is where I wrap it up on this article, the difference between WhatsApp vs texting, and also the advantages of whatsapp over texting.