Why whatsapp message not delivered? (Explained)

Trying to figure out and understand why whatsapp message not delivered especially to a very particular recipient on your whatsapp account, I know why you’re having such problem and I also have the solution for you.

It can be quite difficult to comprehend and same time annoying that all your whatsapp messages are sent but not delivered.

You’re not the first person to have this problem, and I’m telling you this is very common as long as text messaging is involved. 

And that’s why you see whatsapp users asking the question of why are my whatsapp messages not delivering.

Now let’s proceed to what is causing the problem and how you can fix the problem.

Why whatsapp message not delivered?

The reason why whatsapp message not delivered may be caused by a network issue or no internet on the recipient phone, or probably the recipient has been blocked you on whatsapp. 

Now we will have to take the reasons why whatsapp message sent but not delivered one after the other.

Why whatsapp message not delivered

1. The recipient whatsapp account is offline

Sending a message to whatsapp is quite different from the message being delivered to the recipient. As long as you have a working Wi-Fi or a mobile data on your phone, WhatsApp messages will be sent to the recipient.

But the question is;

What about the recipient?

Your whatsapp message is sent doesn’t mean it has been delivered, and as long as the recipient whatsapp account is offline, your sent whatsapp messages won’t be delivered until the recipient has a working or active internet services on his mobile phone.

This is one of the major reasons for whatsapp message sent but not delivered.

The recipient is offline, no internet services on the recipient side or probably the recipient restricted data background on it’s whatsapp mobile app.


In this type of situation, you have to exercise more patience and see if the messages will get delivered to the recipient.

However, if after a day or two the messages are still not delivered to the recipient’s whatsapp account, then I recommend you to call the recipient phone number using the cellular network and see if things are okay.

2. Why whatsapp message not delivered: You have been blocked on whatsapp

One of the strong reason for this question of why whatsapp message not delivered is that you may have been blocked by the recipient.

Quite annoying indeed. 

This is what most whatsapp users don’t understand.

They kept on seeing a single tick for a particular recipient and it doesn’t change to two clicks and turns blue. This can go for weeks, months or a year and they will think the person is no longer using the whatsapp account or probably having been offline for a long while.

In the real sense of it, the person has blocked you on whatsapp.

This is a very strong case for this question of the day.

However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that if your sent text messages on whatsapp not delivered means you have been blocked by the recipient.

But this is what you’re going to do in order to find out or confirm if you have been blocked by the recipient or not.


Create a dual whatsapp on your mobile phone and I know this is very possible on android phone, I can’t really say for sure on iphone.

Open the other dual whatsapp mobile app on your phone and create an account using another phone number the recipient doesn’t have or know about.

Send a message to the recipient using the new whatsapp account you created and check if it will be delivered.

If the message is delivered to the recipient, I’m sorry he or she has blocked you from whatsapp. I’m sure the recipient will also blocked your number from cellular call or message as well.

But if after using the new whatsapp account to send a message to the recipient and still it wasn’t delivered, then be rest assured the receipt is offline and you’re not blocked.

You can also use your friends whatsapp account to send the message especially if you’re not comfortable creating a new whatsapp account or your phobe doesn’t have the dual messenger feature.

Being blocked on whatsapp is another strong major reason why whatsapp message not delivered.

3. You’re having a network issue

This is one of the least reasons for this question of whatsapp message sent but not delivered, and it does happen and has happened to me. However, it can get very confusing that you’re able to use internet on your phone to browse the net, stream online but can’t use WhatsApp.

I was really confused about it and it took hours for me to find the solution.


Kindly turn on the airplane mode on your mobile phone for about 30 seconds and turn it off. Open your whatsapp and check if the message is delivered to the recipient.

You can also turn off your mobile phone and power it on again to solve the internet network issue. Please make sure you have a working Wi-Fi or mobile data.

Asking why are my whatsapp messages not delivering, you should kindly check your internet network and make sure everything is working properly.

4. Your whatsapp mobile app is having issues

This is very common on android phones, whatsapp stopped working and this prevents messages from being delivered.

You may not know your whatsapp mobile app isn’t working properly and you will keep sending messages but all to no avail.


To resolve this problem, you simply have to clear cache from your whatsapp mobile app, and if the problem persist, then you have to clear data.

Before clearing data from your whatsapp mobile app, I recommend you to backup your whatsapp account in order not to lose all your whatsapp files, chats or messages.

To clear whatsapp data and cache on android, you have to open the settings app, and scroll down to apps.

Tap and open apps and search for whatsapp, open the whatsapp and tap on storage. Look below your screen and you will see the clear data and clear cache button.

Tap on the buttons to clear data or probably clear cache from your whatsapp mobile app. This should fix any problem of whatsapp crashing, stopping or not being able to properly send a message for it to be delivered to a recipient.

These are the reasons I know for this problem of whatsapp message sent but not delivered, especially being blocked and the recipient being offline.

All in all, if you’re trying to reach a recipient through whatsapp and it is not going through, I recommend you to use a cellular network to call the person or send the message and forget about why are my whatsapp messages not delivering.

You can read more:

Why are my whatsapp messages not delivering to one person?

Your whatsapp messages not delivering to one person may be caused by the person being offline from whatsapp, or probably the person has blocked you from whatsapp.

why are my whatsapp messages not delivering

If you sent messages to all other contacts on your whatsapp and they gets delivered except for one very contact, there are two things in common for this problem;

  • The person is offline on whatsapp and for some time
  • You have been blocked on whatsapp by this very particular one person

This can be very frustrating but first, you must be very sure that you are not blocked by the user.

Kindly use another whatsapp account and send a message to the recipient, or you can make a dual messenger for your whatsapp. Get a complete new number the recipient doesn’t have and create a new whatsapp account.

After you have successfully created the whatsapp account, send a message to the recipient and check if the message will be delivered.

You can use the cellular network to call the recipient to verify if things are very much OK on the side of the recipient.

Why is there only one GREY tick on WhatsApp?

This simply means the whatsapp message sent but is not delivered to the recipient whatsapp account.

This is same with the topic of the post, why whatsapp message not delivered. There are several things that causes this problem which I have already mentioned.

Kindly scroll up and you will see the reasons and the solution I gave for this whatsapp issue which is very common among whatsapp users.

Does 1 tick on WhatsApp mean blocked?

One click on whatsapp doesn’t necessarily mean being blocked, it can be caused by the recipient being offline or network issues.

In this situation, there are three things involved;

  • The recipient is offline
  • There’s a network issue
  • You’re indeed blocked by the recipient

These are the three major reasons for seeing 1 tick on whatsapp after you have sent a message to a person on whatsapp.

Why is my WhatsApp taking so long to deliver?

WhatsApp taking so long to deliver is majorly caused by network issues on the recipient side after you must have sent the message.

If a person is offline or doesn’t have a working internet connection on it’s phone, sent whatsapp messages will not be delivered until the recipient turns on internet network and immediately the messages will be delivered.

WhatsApp is one of the best instant messaging app to use to send messages and make calls both local and international, and having the issue of why are my whatsapp messages not delivering to one person may be due to the fact that person has blocked you on his whatsapp account. 

So whenever you are having a problem of whatsapp message sent but not delivered, kindly note that this is causes when the recipient phone is switched off, offline or the recipient blocked you on whatsapp. 

You can read more:

These are the reasons I have for you on why whatsapp message not delivered, and also the solutions I have for you. I’m open to your comments if you can’t get through this problem.

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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