What can be more annoying than receiving a voicemail from a blocked phone number on your android phone.
But one may ask the possibility of receiving voicemail from a blocked phone number. This is what we’ll be looking into in this article.
Can you receive voicemails from blocked numbers on android?
Yes you receive voicemails from blocked numbers on your android phone because voicemail involves the cellular network and not just the android phone.
When it comes to receiving voicemail from blocked numbers on your android phone, there are more you should know on blocking a number and the voicemail. This will help you to understand more as to why you can receive voicemails from blocked numbers on android phone.
That I will explain to you in this article.
Can you receive voicemails from blocked numbers on android?
You can receive voicemails from a blocked phone number on your android phone simply because voicemail has nothing to do with blocking a number as it involves the cellular network service.
Now the question is why is this so?
Why is it possible to receive voicemails from blocked numbers on android phone?
The reason why you can receive voicemails from blocked numbers on android is because when you block a number on your android phone, you only blocked the number on your android phone and not your sim card or sim number.
Let me explain this in a more clearer way.
If you happen to block a contact or number on your android phone names Charles, you only blocked Charles on that your very android phone. However, you only blocked Charles on your android phone and not on your sim card or phone number.
The fact is that if you switch your sim card to another android phone, Charles can still contact you until you block Charles number on the other phone.
What I’m trying to say is that you can only block someone on your android phone or iPhone but not on your sim card or sim number, so it you remove the sim card and switch it over to another phone the blocked number can now reach your phone number.
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This is the major reason why you can receive voicemails from blocked numbers on android phone.
Are you still confused?
You shouldn’t be and let me further explain the reason why I said yes to the question of can you receive voicemails from blocked numbers on android.
1. Voicemail involves the cellular network service
Talking about voicemail, it requires the cellular network service to set up a voicemail on a mobile phone, and without it you cannot set up a voicemail on android phone and iPhone.
For the fact that blocking a number doesn’t involve the cellular network service other than the phone itself, a blocked number can send a voicemail to you.
Kindly note that blocking a number on your android phone or iPhone doesn’t block voicemail from the number, but instead it will block calls and text messages from that very number. On iphone, it will block calls, text messages and facetime, then one can go ahead to block the person on imessage.
As blocking a phone number doesn’t affect voicemail, the person can send a voicemail to you but only if you enabled voicemail on your android phone. Again, you can chose to reject the person’s voicemail by simply turning off your voicemail.
Related Post: How to see missed calls from blocked numbers on iphone (how possible is it)
2. Blocked numbers involves the phone
This is what most phone users doesn’t know at all, blocking a number on your mobile phone doesn’t have anything to do with your service network provider. So if you go ahead and switch your sim card to another phone, the blocked numbers will now be able to contact you unless you go ahead to block them in your new phone.
Again this is why you can receive voicemails from blocked numbers on android phone.
This answers the question you are looking for, can you receive voicemails from blocked numbers android. You can as long as you enabled voicemail on your android phone.
How to stop blocked numbers leaving voicemail?
The only way to stop blocked numbers from leaving a voicemail is to turn off voicemail on your android phone else you will continue to receive voicemails from blocked numbers on your android phone.
Right now there’s no way to directly stop or prevent blocked numbers from leaving a voicemail other than stopping voicemail entirely on your android phone, else you will continue to receive voicemails from blocked numbers on your android phone.
What happens when you block a number on Android?
When you block a number on Android, the number will be restricted from calling your line and as well as sending text messages. You also won’t be able to call or send text messages to the blocked number on your mobile phone.
However, the blocked number can leave a voicemail to you.
Why this is so is because once you have voicemail enabled on your android phone, calls from the blocked number will be redirected straight to voicemail. So in this type of situation yoi will see the blocked number leaving a voicemail for you.
I’m telling you that there’s nothing you can do about it other than disabling voicemail on your android phone.
I repeat this again, as voicemail is being controlled by the cellular network service, you cannot prevent or stop to receive voicemails from blocked numbers on android simply because voicemail is being controlled by the network service and not your android phone.
What happens when you ring a blocked number?
The truth is that you cannot ring a blocked number on your mobile phone be it android or iphone, you can only ring the number once you have unblocked the number on your phone.
A blocked number cannot contact your number but will be redirected straight to voicemail in most occasion, you as well cannot contact the blocked number until you unblock the number on your mobile phone.
This is how it works.
Because of this, you cannot ring a blocked number on your android phone or iPhone.
Can blocked numbers leave voicemails Samsung?
On samsung phone, blocked numbers tends not leave a voicemail because immediately the blocked number tries dial the recipient number, what will be displayed is number busy.
Calls from blocked numbers on a Samsung phone is being auto rejected and there by making the caller into believing that the recipient is busy. From my own observation, blocked numbers can’t leave a voicemail on samsung phone.
I have a Samsung S21 Ultra and blocked calls most definitely can leave voice-mail. When I delete it another one comes from the same blocked number. Turning off my voice-mail is not an option. It’s ridiculous.