How to block someone on whatsapp without them knowing

Looking for how to block someone on whatsapp without them knowing about it, this post will guide you through on what is involved when it comes to blocking someone on whatsapp.

However, one will ask is it possible to block someone on whatsapp without them knowing?

The simple answer is no. You cannot block someon on whatsapp without them not knowing about it.

But bear in mind that whatsapp will never notify the person that you have blocked him or her on your Whatsapp account, but the truth is that the person will only find out through some features which will be restricted to the person.

How to block someone on whatsapp without them knowing

How to block someone on whatsapp without them knowing

The truth is that there’s no way to block someone on whatsapp without the person not knowing.

Maybe later in future Whatsapp may decide to add a feature that will prevent someone to known that he or she is blocked on whatsapp.

Once again remember that whatsapp will never send a notification to the blocked notifying the person about the blocking. However, there is a way the person will find out and it include the followings

1. Your profile picture will be invisible or blank to the blocked contact

This is the first feature that will be restricted to the blocked number on whatsapp. However, the person might see it that you removed your whatsapp profile picture and wouldn’t know that you already blocked its contact on your whatsapp account.

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2. Last seen will no longer be available to the blocked number

Another feature that will be restricted to the blocked number is your last seen. However, the blocked number may not neccesarily find out simply because lots of whatsapp users tends to disable their last seen.

3. The blocked number will not see your online status

When you block someone on whatsapp, your Whatsapp online status will be restricted to the blocked number. This is same as not being able to see your last seen though many whatsapp users don’t get bothered if they don’t see online status of their whatsapp friends. 

Once you disabled last seen on your whatsapp account, your online status will be hidden and also you won’t be able your whatsapp contacts online status and last seen. 

5. Whatsapp status update will be restricted to the blocked contact

Whenever you post a status update on your whatsapp account, the blocked Contact will never see until you unblock the in your whatsapp alcount. However,  you won’t be able to see the blocked contact status update until you unblock the person on your whatsapp account. 

5. Text messages or chats will be blocked

This is where the blocked contact will start to suspect you, after series of tons of failed messages or text messages fails to get delivered to your whatsapp account. 

Once you block Someone on Whatsapp, the blocked contact will no longer be able to text you on whatsapp and you won’t be able to text the blocked contact as well. You can only text the blocked number after you must have unblocked its contact in your whatsapp account.

6. Both video calls and voice calls will be prohibited

Another feature that will be restricted when being blocked on whatsapp is video calls and voice calls. Both you and the blocked contact won’t be able to contact each other on whatsapp.

Now talking about how to block someone on what sapp without them  knowing, once texts messages and calls from the blocked person are not getting through to you, the person will start suspecting that you may have blocked it’s whatsapp number on your phone.

If the person find out that your whatsapp profile picture is blank and last seen not available as well, the person will conclude that truly you have blocked his or her whatsapp number on your phone.

What i’m trying to explain is that so far there is no way to block someone on whatsapp without the person not knowing about it. The person will definately find out if he or she is restricted from calling you, chatting with you, or your whatsapp profile picture is blank while you’re the type that always update your whatsapp profile picture.

How to block someone on whatsapp without them knowing

How to know if someone blocked you on whatsapp without messaging them

To know if someone blocked you on whatsapp without messaging them, if the person’s profile picture is blank and last seen is not available, then it may indicate that the person has blocked you on whatsapp. 

kindly check the persons Whatsapp profile picture and see if it blank. If it is blank then it may indicate that the person has blocked you on whatsapp. Another method is to check the persons last seen or online status.

If they are not available to you, then it may be due to the fact that the person blocked you on its whatsapp account. To be look sure, send a text message or call the person on whatsapp ands if doesn’t go through then it simply means the person blocked you on Whatsapp.

When you block someone on WhatsApp what do they see?

When you block someone on whatsapp, the serson will only see your whatsapp name but your whatsapp profile picture will be blank as it  will be restricted to the blocked person.

Mind you, the person won’t be able to see your whatsapp update as it will be unavailable to the blocked person.

If the blocked number sends a text message to your whatsapp account, the message will be sent but wont get delivered to your phone. Calls from the person will only show calling and not ringing.

Calling on whatsapp means you dialed someone’s number, but when it shows ringing then it simply the call went through to the recipient phone and the recipient phone is ringing.

Can a blocked contact see me online on WhatsApp?

A blocked contact cannot see you online on whatsapp simple because last seen feature will be restricted to the blocked contact.

Once blocked on whentsapp the last seen feature will be restricted for the blocked contact on whatsapp. Once you unblocked the number on your whatsapp, the person will start seeing your last seen feature if it is enabled on your whatsapp as some usually disable it in their whatsapp account.

How do you make yourself offline on WhatsApp?

To make yourself offline on whatsapp, simply disable the last seen feature on your whatsapp account. 

Once you have the last seen feature disabled on your whatsapp account, no one will see you even if you’re online or be able to see your last seen time on whatsapp. 

When you disable last seen feature on your whatsapp, you will still be able to to receive text messages and calls, but only that the person won’t know that you’re online on whatsapp.

So to make yourself look to be offline on whatsapp, kindly disable the last seen feature and you’re good to go.

Then to make things a lot easier for you, also disable receipts on your whatsapp and which will prevent a sender from knowing that you have opened and read it’s sent whatsapp messages.

To disable the last seen and read receipt feature on your whatsapp account;

  • Kindly open whatsapp messenger on your phone.
  • Tap on the hamburger menu option and select settings. 
  • Tap on account and select privacy. 
  • The first option you will see is the last seen feature. 
  • Set it to nobody 
  • Move to read receipt and toggle off the feature on your whatsapp.

You can choose to hide your profile photos, about and status.

Related Questions

When you block someone on whatsapp does the person know?

Definitely the person will know when calls and text messages fails to get delivered to the recipient, and the recipient profile picture is blank on whatsapp.

One of the major ways people tends to find out that they have been blocked on whatsapp is through calls and text messages. As long as they are not going through to the recipient, it is a strong indication that the recipient has blocked them on whatsapp.

Asking how to block someone on whatsapp without them knowing, the answer is it is not possible to block someone on whatsapp without the person not knowing about it.

As long as it involves calls and text messages, the person will definitely find out and this is applicable to other instant messaging apps and services like the iMessage, Skype, Facebook messenger, telegram, etc. 

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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