Do not disturb mode is one of the best features in a mobile phone, when enabled it prevents all sorts of notifications from disturbing a phone user.
However, it can be very frustrating for a caller to call a person and the calls will be redirected straight to the voicemail. This simply means ignored though there’s a strong reason for someone to enable do not disturb mode on it’s cell phone.
Now we’ll be looking at the question being asked by phone user about do not disturb mode and which is;
Does do not disturb send calls to voicemail?
The answer is yes. Do not disturb will automatically send calls to voicemail but only if the recipient has an active voicemail on it’s mobile phone. However, if there’s no active voicemail do not disturb mode will not redirect calls to the voicemail.
But please bear in mind that when your calls are being redirected straight to the voicemail, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the recipient has enabled do not disturb mode on it’s mobile phone. Even when you are blocked by a recipient, you will be redirected straight to the voicemail depending on the recipient type of phone.
I will explain more of does do not disturb send calls to voicemail based on iphone and android phone.
Does do not disturb send calls to voicemail on iphone?
On iphone, do not disturb mode will automatically send calls straight to the voicemail if the recipient has an active voicemail, but if there’s no active voicemail the will not end abruptly.
However, when you are also blocked on Iphone your calls will also be redirected to voicemail and this will confuse you into thinking that the recipient is on do not disturb mode whilst you have been blocked by the recipient.
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By default, do not disturb mode silence every notifications including calls and text messages, but if there’s an active voicemail then calls will be sent to voicemail.
This is applicable on android as DND blocks calls on iPhone.
When there’s no active voicemail in an iphone and do not disturb mode is enabled, the recipient will receive the incoming call but that will be it the caller called back again immediately.
This is why you see some iphone users ask why they are seeing incoming calls while their phone is on do not disturb mode. By default, incoming call will be blocked for the first time but after second and within three minutes, the call will go through.
So please bear in mind that if someone happens to call you on do not disturb mode on your iPhone, the first time call will not go through but if the person persist and calls back within three minutes the call will go through and ring aloud.
So if you are in a meeting or somewhere that requires no noise or phone calls, kindly enable silent mode on your iPhone.
Do not disturb mode on Android
Do not disturb mode on android is quite the same as it is on iphone in the sense that once there’s an active voicemail, calls will be sent to voicemail. If there’s no active voicemail then calls will go through but it won’t ring out loud as notifications and media (the phone) will be on silent.
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For example, on samsung phones. If do no disturb mode is enabled all calls and text messages will go through but they will all be on silent. If there is an active voicemail in the recipient samsung phone, they will be sent to voicemail.
This is very much different if someone blocked you on it’s samsung phone. Calls won’t be sent to voicemail but instead what you will be seeing is number busy.
This will be a lot confusing for the caller because any given time you call the recipient all you will be seeing is number busy busy. At first you may think the recipient is truly busy, but that isn’t the case as the recipient has blocked your number.
But for do not disturb mode, calls will be sent to voicemail unless there’s no active voicemail in the recipient phone then the calls will go through but it won’t ring out loud.
Does do not disturb send calls to voicemail on android?
Yes it does but only if there’s an active voicemail enabled in the recipient android phone.
Why does Do Not Disturb not go to voicemail?
The reason why do not disturb not go to voicemail is simply because there’s no active voicemail enabled in a mobile phone. Because of this, calls on do not disturb mode will not be directed to voicemail.
By default calls, text messages, media on do not disturb mode will be on silent, it is left for the phone user to properly set up do not disturb mode in such a way that all calls will be redirected straight to voicemail.
Kindly note that if someone calls you and your phone is on do not disturb mode, if you didn’t answer the call it will be sent to voicemail.
Does do not disturb send all calls to voicemail?
Do not disturb only send cellular calls straight to the voicemail if applicable. However, instant messaging calls like facetime, whatsapp, Skype, Facebook messenger, telegram, etc are not sent to the voicemail.
So far voicemail is only applicable to cellular network service through our network service provider.
Voicemail is only available for cellular network service and don’t expect to have your facetime calls go to the voicemail.
Also remember that do not disturb mode will only send calls to voicemail only if the recipient has an active voicemail on it’s cell phone.
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Can you send calls straight to voicemail on iPhone?
Yes of course, you can easily send calls straight to voicemail and whereas unanswered calls on iphone are redirected straight to voicemail if there’s an active voicemail in the recipient iphone.
What happens when you call someone who is on Do Not Disturb?
When you call someone who is on do not disturb mode, the call will be sent to voicemail if the recipient has an active voicemail on it’s mobile phone. Where the recipient has no active voicemail the call will go through but it will be on silent along with text messages and other notifications.
What happens when you call someone who is on Do Not Disturb on iPhone?
On iPhone, when you call someone who is on Do Not Disturb the call will definitely not go through but upon calling back again within three minutes, the call will go through.
On the recipient side, irrespective of the fact that the call didn’t go through what the recipient will see will be a missed call. So what I’m trying to say is that do not disturb mode usually show up as a missed call on iPhone.
In most cases calls will go through on Do not disturb mode but if the recipient didn’t answer the call, it will be sent to voicemail or the call ends.
There’s nothing wrong calling someone on Do Not disturb mode because the recipient will likely see the call or the missed call unless the in the case where the call is sent to voicemail.
Where the problem lies is calling someone whose phone is on airplane mode, the call will never go through as the phone is deemed to be offline or switched off.
If after all these you don’t fancy using do not disturb mode on your android phone or the iPhone, you can choose to go for silent mode as it doesn’t block calls or text messages when enabled on a cell phone.
Do phone calls go to voicemail on do not disturb?
The straight answer is yes. On Do not disturb, phone calls are forwarded straight to voicemail but only if the recipient phone has an active voicemail.
If you are using an android phone or the iPhone, all incoming calls will be forwarded straight to voicemail if there’s any available. But in a situation whereby there’s no active voicemail, on android the call will go through but will be silenced while on iphone the first time call will not go through.
Related Questions
Does Do Not Disturb allow calls from everyone?
Yes of course, do not disturb do allow calls from everyone but the calls will be on silent or won’t ring out loud. If the recipient has an active voicemail, calls will be sent to voicemail especially if the recipient didn’t answer the calls.
Kindly note that do not disturb will not block your calls or prevent incoming calls but will only redirect it to voicemail. If there’s no voicemail, then all calls will go through but will be on silent.
If you are calling someone and your calls are being redirected straight to voicemail, you shouldn’t conclude that the recipient is on do not disturb mode because if you are blocked on iphone your calls will be sent to voicemail as well.
And this is where I wrap it up on the question of the day, does do not disturb send calls to voicemail. It does but only if the recipient has an active voicemail if not the calls will not go to voicemail.