Text message was blue then turned green? Here’s why

Wondering the reason why your text message was blue then turned green? This is very common as you are not alone in this type of situation whether you are using an iPhone or maybe an android phone.

As green text message mean sms text message that uses the cellular network service, it isn’t what most people prefer to use compared to the blue message which has lot’s of features like delivery report, read receipt, being able to send files and documents, etc.

Now the question being asked is;

Why did text message was blue then turned green?

Text message was blue then turned to green simply because the receiving phone number is no longer linked with iMessage or the rcs chat feature on android.

This is just the simple answer.

You have been sending iMessages or the blue messages to this particular recipient or phone number, and suddenly one day you sent a text message which was blue in color and immediately it turned and become green showing sms text message.

This is because receiving phone number is no longer active or activated with iMessage for ios or the rcs chat feature for android users.

This usually occurs if the recipient used his phone number to activate iMessage or the rcs chat feature. In terms of iMessage, if the recipient only uses it’s Apple ID to activate it’s iMessage, the text message won’t be green but rather it will show NOT DELIVERED if the Apple ID is no longer active or activated with iMessage.

For the fact that you are seeing your text message was blue then turned green simply means the receiving phone number is no longer linked with iMessage or rcs chat feature.

For iPhone users, if you happen to have or know the person’s Apple ID, simply send iMessages to the Apple ID and it should go through unless the recipient deactivate or removed it’s Apple ID from iMessage.

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Understanding the green text message

text message was blue then turned green

The green text message which is the default sms text message uses the cellular network service in sending and receiving a text message. 

This means that a sim card and a cellular network service is required when it comes to the green text message. Aside from that, you must have an active texting plan or an airtime in order to send a green text message on your iPhone or android phone.

One major advantage of the green text message is that you can send it to any phone whether android phone or the iPhone compared to blue text message that only works for iPhone users only or android users only.

Talking about text message was blue then turned green, this will occur if you have a sim card and a cellular network service in your phone. As the receiving phone number is not linked to iMessage or rcs chat feature, the message will be sent through the default sms text message. 

Remember, you must have a texting plan or an airtime in order to send a green text message or sms text message on your phone.

The disadvantage of the green text message is that you can’t send pictures, videos, documents, etc just like the blue text message. In order to send pictures or videos using the default messaging app, you will require to activate mms messaging on your phone.

On iPhone, the green text message don’t have a delivery report making it quite difficult to know if a recipient received a sent text message on it’s iPhone. The case is quite different on android as green text message will always show a delivery report.

Also the green text message doesn’t have read receipts compared to the blue text message thar has a read receipt which makes it possible for the sender to know if a recipient has opened the sent text message.

Understanding the blue text message

what happens when a blue text turns green

The blue text is an instant messaging service which requires internet connection like Wi-Fi or cellular data in sending a text message. The blue text message isn’t a default text message as it requires the recipient to have the same instant messaging with the sender.

For example, for someone to receive an iMessage, both the sender and the recipient must have an active iMessage on thir phones. You can’t send iMessage to an android phone user instead the message will turn green.

Same goes with android rcs chat. 

You can’t send rcs chat to an iPhone user but instead the message will be sent as sms text message. 

You can’t send a whatsapp message to someone not using whatsapp, same goes to Skype, Facebook messenger, telegram, viber, etc.

Instant messaging or the blue text message has a delivery report and read receipt which makes it easy to know if a recipient has received the send text message and also opened the text message on it’s mobile phone.

With the blue text message, you can seamlessly send pictures, videos, documents or any files of a large file file and which is not possible in green text message.

As long as you have an active Wi-Fi connection, you may decide not to have a sim card and a cellular network service in order to send a blue text messages using the iMessage or the android rcs rcs chat feature.

Text message was blue then turned green on iphone 

This is caused when the recipient phone number is no longer activated with iMessage. In some cases if the recipient iMessage is not available or deactivated on the recipient iPhone, text messages will be green in color as iMessage wont be available.

On the other hand, you the sender should also check if the problem is from your side by going to settings and checking if iMessage is active on your iPhone. 

To do so;

  • Open the settings app and scroll down to messages. 
  • Open messages and right there you will see iMessage, make sure it is enabled on your iPhone just like on the the picture below.

text message was blue then turned green

If your iMessage is active it will look same just like on the above picture along with the number of addresses connected with your iMessage. The addresses in question includes your Apple ID and phone number.

If you have a dual iPhone, you can have upto three addresses depending.

Once your iMessage settings is green in color just like on the picture above, then there’s no need to worry because it shows that your iMessage is turned on and very much active.

Having the problem of text message was blue then turned green will most likely be from the recipient side. 

What you have to do 

It’s so simple. 

All you have to do is to get the recipient Apple ID which is connected with it’s iMessage and send a text message to the recipient.

Definitely it should be blue in color and if the Apple ID is not working, available or connected with iMessage it won’t turn green but rather it will immediately show Message Not Delivered after you must have send a text message.

Lastly you can contact the recipient through calls or sms text message and request for the recipient iMessage phone number or Apple ID linked with iMessage.

If your text message starts blue then turns green it simply means that the recipient phone number is no longer activated with iMessage.

What happens when a blue text turns green?

When a blue text turns green, the text message will be sent using the cellular network service and whicg will attract charges from the network service provider.

If you don’t have a texting plan or an airtime, you won’t be able to send a green text message unless your network service provider offers free text messages for their subscribers.

Sms text messages works in every phone as it is the default text messaging in a given phone.

For you to send a green text message on your phone you must have a sim card and network service in your phone.

Green text message not sending

Green text message will not send if you don’t have a texting plan or an airtime on your phone.

As long as you have an airtime or a texting plan you shouldn’t be bothered asking green text message not sending cause definitely it will send unless the recipient has blocked your phone number. Most of the reason why text messages are not getting delivered is due to the fact that one may have been blocked by the recipient.

How do you fix your text messages from green to blue

First you need to make sure iMessage is activate on your iPhone in order to avoid sending green text messages.

Secondly, you need to make sure that you have an active internet connection like Wi-Fi or cellular data on your iPhone as blue text message requires an active internet connection.

Third, you need to make sure that the recipient phone and phone number is activated with iMessage else you will end up sending a green text message if the recipient is not using iMessage or probably the phone number you’re sending the text message to, is not activated with iMessage. 

Related Questions 

Can a green text turn blue?

The simple answer is no. A green text cannot turn blue but rather a blue text message can turn to green if the recipient phone number is not activated with iMessage.

In some cases if the iMessage is not available or active in the recipient iPhone.

In a case whereby someone used it’s phone number not previously linked to iMessage to activate iMessage, a green text message will turn to blue simply because the phone number is now activated with iMessage.

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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