Does playing games damage Android phone? Explained

One of the sweetest things one can do on a mobile phone is to use the phone for gaming. This is why you see lots of people searching for the best gaming phone to buy.

Aside from that, questions like does playing games damage Android phone or the iPhone.

There’s no doubt that playing games on a mobile phone can heat up and drain the battery especially if the game is an online high graphics game.

Such questions aren’t surprising because you and I know that one of the things that damages a phone battery is overheating.

Having played tons of mobile games on my mobile phones, ranging from low-end games to games with high-end graphics, I will explain whether it is better to play games on an Android phone or an iPhone.

Does playing games damage Android phone?

The answer is no. Playing games on an Android phone does not damage the phone, even if the games are high-graphics games that consume a lot of battery power.

Even if you have a low-end Android phone, playing games on it will not damage the phone. However, there are a few things you should know.

If you are fond of playing online, high-graphics games on your mobile phone, there is a high probability that the battery will weaken in the long run.

Let me use the PUBG Mobile game as an example for this explanation.

Of all the high-graphics online games for Android phones, PUBG is the number one in terms of battery consumption.

Playing Pubg mobile game for just only 45 minutes heats up the phone so much, making the battery to drain at a speed rate.

For me, this is not good if this continues to happen always because you’re gradually killing your phone’s battery.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t play the PUBG Mobile game on your Android phone, but rather lower the graphics and the FPS in order to avoid making your phone get extremely hot. This applies to other online games as well.

One of the major causes of battery damage is overheating. Games like PUBG, Call of Duty, etc. are high-graphics online games that consume a lot of energy from a phone, thereby causing the phone to heat up.

Immediately, if you notice that your phone is very hot, please save and quit the game and allow the phone to cool off.

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Going back to the topic we have, does playing games damage Android phone,  normally, playing games does not damage the phone or the battery.

However, high-graphics online games can weaken or damage a mobile phone battery because they will definitely heat up the mobile phone.

When playing a game on your mobile phone and you notice that your phone is extremely hot, quit the game to save your battery.

Allow the phone to cool down before starting the game again, especially if you plan to play it for the second or third time on the same day.

Is it bad to play games while charging your phone?

Yes, it is bad to play games while charging your phone because it damages the phone’s battery in the long run.

This is the worst thing you can do to your mobile phone: charge your mobile phone and play games on the phone at the same time.

You will definitely ruin your phone’s battery health and will start experiencing battery problems such as the phone charging backward, the phone taking too long to charge, or the battery percentage going to 100 within seconds or dropping from 100% to 10% within seconds.

I’m saying this based on my experience with my second and third Android phones, as I’m fond of playing games while charging my phone.

After a year, everything seemed like a myth, and I thought nothing would happen to my phone’s battery until one day the inevitable happened.

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While charging my phone, I noticed that instead of the phone charging and the battery percentage increasing, it was charging but the battery percentage was decreasing or dropping.

I thought it was a joke, so I unplugged the phone and plugged it back in. When I did this, I saw that the battery was full.

From that moment, I began experiencing battery issues on my phone.

I tried it again on my second Android phone just to be certain if this is what truly damaged my phone battery, and the same thing happened. Since then, I will never play games while charging my phone.

I noticed this usually occur if you’re playing an online game, with the Wi-Fi or mobile data turned on plus the gaming, it usually heats up the phone.

So in this case instead of the battery percentage to go up, it drops irrespective of the fact that you’re charging the phone. If this continues to happen, you will ruin or damage the battery in the long run.

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This isn’t just applied to gaming, but also to other phone functions that require internet access and consume battery.

As soon as you notice that your phone is heating up, quit everything you’re doing and allow the phone to cool off before charging it.

Is playing games on your phone bad for you?

Does playing games damage Android phone

Playing games on your phone isn’t bad for you, but don’t overdo it, as it is not good for your eyes or brain.

If I play games for hours, or six hours without putting the phone down, I find myself feeling a bit dizzy and my head feels heavy and saturated. So I stopped and limited myself to just one hour of gameplay on my Android phone.

Normally, I don’t see anything wrong with playing games on your mobile phone, but if you don’t feel well after a few hours or minutes of gaming on your mobile phone, please consult your doctor for more guidance and instructions.

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Now you have the answer to the question of does playing games damage Android phone, it is left for you to decide what you want.

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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