Is it bad to unplug your phone before fully charged?

The question we have here is is it bad to unplug your phone before fully charged, and I must admit that I love the question and saw the need to write about it.

There are certain things you should know when it comes to charging of phone and this include both android and iPhone, and even the feature phone. We always want our phone to be fully charged before unplugging it from the charging, but the question is;

Is it appropriate or good to allow a phone to be fully charged.

Here, fully charged means to charge a phone from low percentage to 100%. This is what I will be discussing in this article, and also the appropriate way you should charge your phone in order to maintain the battery health of your mobile phone.

Let’s continue.

Is it bad to unplug your phone before fully charged?

It is not bad to unplug a phone before it is fully charged simply because the recommended way of charging a phone is not to allow it to charge to 100% so as to maintain the battery health of the phone.

However, where the problem lies is to unplug your phone when the percentage is at 60% and plug it back again, and do the same process for like three time or five times in a single day.

If you continue to do this, you are gradually killing yourself phone battery and you might start experiencing battery problems on the long run.

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There are certain things that will make someone unplug it’s mobile phone before the phone is fully charged, like to answer a call or to use a phone for something thar is very urgent. There’s nothing wrong unplugging a phone before it reached 80% or 100%, but you shouldn’t be doing this very often especially on these latest smartphones.

Having answered the question of is it bad to unplug your phone before fully charged, let me guide you through on how to properly charge your phone so as to maintain the battery health.

How to properly charge a phone

is it bad to unplug your phone before fully charged

1. Use a proper charger: This is very essential if you want to maintain your phone battery health, use a proper charger and a usb cable. This doesn’t mean you can’t use a third party charger, but rather get one that matched the specs of your phone charger.

2. Charge your phone from 15% to 85%: Many will argue this but if you care about your phone and wants to maintain the battery health, don’t let your phone go beyond 15% and don’t charge it beyond 85%.

For me, I do charge my phone from 20% to 85% though I’m a moderate phone user. For heavy phone users, you can choose to charge your phone from 15% to 90% but the most recommended is to charge from 15% to 85%.

3. Don’t use your phone while it is charging: If to talk one of the major thing that damage a phone battery, it will be charging and using your phone especially if you have Wi-Fi or cellular data turned on.

The worst is charging your phone and playing online games, don’t even try it because you are gradually killing your phone battery. If you don’t know, let me explain it to you right now.

One of the worst thing that can happen to your phone is overheating.

As long as you are playing online game and same time charging your phone, it will definitely overheat and this isn’t good for the phone or it’s battery. If you continue doing this, you may experience battery issues like battery percentage going down while charging your phone.

You should bear this in mind while asking is it bad to unplug your phone before fully charged.

4. Don’t charge your phone while it is hot: You are doing no good to your phone charging it while it is hot, instead allow the phone to cool off before charging it. If you care to notice when a mobile phone is hot when charging it, the phone will tends to charge at a slow speed even if fast charging is enabled.

In some cases where by the phone battery health is already weak, the battery percentage will be dropping irrespective of the fact that you are charging the phone.

5. Don’t use a damaged cable to charge your phone: You may have been doing this, using a damaged cable to charge your phone and nothing seem to happen and the phone will charge complete. Let me tell you this, you are gradually reducing your phone battery health if you don’t know it.

If you noticed that your phone usb cable is damaged, simply get a new replacement if you care about your phone battery health.

Going back to the question once again, is it bad to unplug your phone before fully charged?

There’s nothing wrong to unplug a phone before it is fully charged as the most recommended charging is from 15% to 85% but don’t overdo it very often in a single day.

Is it okay to unplug your phone before 100?

It is very much okay to unplug a phone before it reaches 100% as the recommended way of charging a phone is to charge from 15% to 85% and unplug the phone. 

There’s no harm in this though you shouldn’t be plugging and unplugging your phone very often in a single day. Charge at maximum twice in day or three times if you are a heavy phone user. Always allow your phone to rest especially when it gets heated up.

Is constantly charging your phone bad?

Yes of course, constantly charging a phone will slowly and gradually damage or reduce a phone battery health, and this is why you should charge your phone twice in a day for heavy phone users or you shouldn’t go beyond three times in a single day.

Always allow your phone to go down to 15% or 20% before you charge it.

I know why I’m saying this because heavy phone users wouldn’t let their phone get to 40% and they will charge it. They will even do this five times in a single day and this will gradually reduce the battery health of the smartphone.

At what percentage should i unplug my iphone?

Unplug your iPhone when it reached 85% or a maximum of 90% as this will help to maintain the battery like of your iphone. However, don’t constantly charge your iPhone very often in a single day as it isn’t good for the phone battery itself.

What happens if you unplug your phone before it’s fully charged?

Absolutely nothing happens as you mustn’t charge your phone to 100%, your phone battery will remain intact without any issues or the battery health reducing.

This is where I round it up on the question of the day, is it bad to unplug your phone before fully charged and your views or opinions are well appreciated.

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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