Looking for a way on how to listen to audio message on iPhone without them knowing, I got you covered here on both android and iPhone.
This is being in an incognito mode reading messages and audio without the other person knowing about it whether you enabled read receipt or disable read receipt on your instant messaging app.
How to listen to audio message on iPhone without them knowing?
To listen to audio on iPhone without the sender knowing, kindly enable airplane mode once you have received the audio message on your iPhone.
Now I will explain this article based on iMessage and whatsapp messenger, but I can assure thar this works on other instant messaging apps and services.
How to listen to audio message on iPhone without them knowing?
The best way to listen to audio message on iPhone without them knowing is by enabling airplane mode on your iPhone and afterwards listen to the audio message.
To answer this question lot, I will explain it based on iMessage and whatsapp as the two are very popular when it comes to the best instant messaging apps and services.
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How to listen to audio message on iPhone without them knowing on iMessage?
By default, iMessage will show played once you have played an audio message on your iMessage. Below is a typical example of what I’m talking about.
To listen to an iMessage audio without the sender knowing, you have to disable read receipt on your iMessage and it wouldn’t indicate on the sender’s side that you have listened to the audio message.
If you didn’t disable read receipt on your iMessage and listened to an audio message received on your iMessage, it will show played on the sender’s end just like on the picture above.
Another way to prevent a sender from knowing that you have listened to it’s audio message is by enabling airplane mode or making sure you turned off internet once you received the audio message on your iPhone.
Step by Step Process
Airplane Mode
How to listen to audio message on iPhone without them knowing is by enabling airplane mode and making sure there’s no active internet connection when opening the received audio message on your iPhone.
To enable airplane mode on your iPhone, simply pull down the control center and you will see an airplane icon.
Tap on the airplane income and it will disable cellular service on your iPhone, but if you are using a Wi-Fi kindly make sure that you turn it off as well.
Now go back to your iMessage and open the audio message you received. Go ahead and play the audio message as the sender won’t be notified about that or show played on the sender’s side.
Disable Read Receipt
Read receipt is another way or method when it comes to how to listen to audio message on iPhone without them knowing on iMessage.
But the disadvantage of this is that you won’t be notified when some has read your sent iMessage(s), but if you don’t care about that, then go ahead and disable read receipt on your iPhone.
To do that, open the settings app and scroll down to messages and open it.
Scroll a bit and you will see where it states Send Read Receipts just like on the picture below and make sure to disable it on your iPhone messages app.
Once you have disabled Send Read Receipts on your iPhone message app, you don’t need to worry asking how to listen to audio message on iPhone without them knowing because they will never know as long as Send Read Receipts is disabled on your iPhone.
On whatsapp messenger
Just like iMessage, to prevent a sender from knowing that you have read it’s sent Whatsapp voice note, you have to enable airplane mode and make sure internet is not active on your iPhone after you must received the audio message and wants to open it.
How to listen to WhatsApp voice messages without sender knowing on iPhone?
To listen to whatsapp voice messages without sender knowing on your iPhone, immediately you received the voice message kindly turn off your mobile data or Wi-Fi and then after open the whatsapp voice messages and listen to them.
This works perfectly fine and many a time I use it but only if I don’t want the sender to know I’ve opened and read the whatsapp voice message.
Turn Off Read Receipts
Just like iMessage, how to listen to WhatsApp voice messages without sender knowing on iPhone is by turning off read receipts on your whatsapp and it will prevent the sender from knowing that you opened and listened to the whatsapp voice message.
To get started, open whatsapp on your iPhone and tap on the settings icon below your screen. Tap on Account followed by tapping on Privacy and right there you should see Read Receipts.
Once you have turned off Read Receipts on your whatsapp messenger, then you are good to go.
There’s no need asking how to listen to WhatsApp voice messages without sender knowing on iPhone because once read receipts is turned off on your iPhone whatsapp, the sender will never know if you opened and listened to audio or voice whatsapp message.
Talking about how to listen to audio message on iPhone without them knowing, you only have to enable airplane mode or turn off data before listening to the received voice message.
Can you listen to audio messages while on the phone?
Yes you can listen to audio message while on the phone as cellular calls don’t interrupt audio messages.
But the truth is that it will be quite difficult to listen to to audio messages while on the phone because you won’t be able to listen to your caller or audio messages. This comes in handy if you want a caller to listen to your audio messages.
How to listen to voice message on iPhone while on the phone
To listen to voice message on iPhone while on the phone, you have to minimize the call and open the voice message.
This works perfectly on both android and iPhone. Once you minimize you call, you can still open other apps and this includes messages apps.
This is to how to listen to voice message on iPhone while on the phone
When you send a voice message on iPhone does it disappear?
It does disappear if you don’t set your audio messages never to expire. By default audio messages on iPhone will expire after two minutes of listening to the voice message and it will automatically be removed from your iPhone.
In order to prevent audio messages from expiring on your iPhone, kindly open the settings app and scroll down to messages and open it.
Scroll down to Audio Messages and tap on expire and set it to never.
Once you set your audio messages Never to expire, no need worry over the possibility of your audio messages disappearing on your iPhone.
Do audio messages disappear if you don’t listen to them?
No, audio messages don’t disappear if you don’t listen to them. However, once you opened and listened to the audio messages it will expire unless you set your audio messages to Never expire.