Will my alarm go off if my phone is off? Detailed explanation

Setting an alarm on a phone is very helpful, especially if you have an event to attend and need to be reminded of it, in order not to forget and miss the event.

However, what about the case where you set an alarm on your mobile phone and the battery goes flat, or you turn off your phone?

The question will be;

Will my alarm go off if my phone is off?

This is what we’re going to look at in this post: will an alarm go off or ring if I switch off my mobile phone or the battery goes flat?

Will my alarm go off if my phone is off?

In a smartphone, once the phone is off the alarm won’t go off or ring, while in a feature phone the alarm will go off even if the phone is turned off.

Yes, that is true. I have been using both feature phones and smartphones for years, and I am writing this post based on my experience with the two types of mobile phones that we have in the market right now.

It is wrong to say no or “not possible” to this question because in a feature phone, the alarm will definitely go off even if the battery is dead flat.

Honestly, I never knew this will be possible until I witnessed it on both my Nokia feature phone and Goinee feature.

In this case, my phone battery was completely dead and turned off on its own, and I didn’t bother to charge it at that moment.

To my greatest surprise, when the time came for the alarm I had set on my phone to ring or go off, the alarm started ringing and snoozing.

Honestly, I was really surprised and confused at first.

When I stopped the alarm or dismissed it, the phone was still off and couldn’t be powered on because the battery was dead. Regardless, the alarm still went off and was indeed ringing until I turned it off.

If you ask me, I can’t quite understand how a phone with a flat battery would still be able to enable its alarm to go off and alert the user. In fact, this works on all feature phones, regardless of the model or brand.

The smartphone

Asking this question of will my alarm go off if my phone is off in relation to smartphones, the answer is no.

If I say no, I mean a very big no.

Once your smartphone is switched off, you have automatically stopped the alarm from ringing or going off. This is the same with your phone battery going flat, your phone alarm will not go off or ring notwithstanding the type or the smartphone brand you’re using.

Will my iphone alarm go off if phone is off

Definitely, it won’t go off. Once your iPhone is off, the alarm will never go off unless the phone is powered on.

This is also applies to android phones or any other smartphones.

does samsung alarm ring when phone is off

On iphones, if the battery goes flat and the phone goes off, I’m sorry don’t expect to hear your alarm ring or go off cause it won until the phone is powered on.

For an iPhone alarm to go off, the phone must be turned on and not switched off.

In the case where by your iphone is on silent mode, do not disturb mode, or in airplane mode, the alarm will still go off but sane is not applied whej the phone is turned off.

You can read more of the post from the links below;

Does samsung alarm ring when phone is off?

Samsung phones do not ring the alarm if the phone is off. The alarm will only go off if the phone is powered on, and the same is true for any other Android phone.

I tested this using the  Samsung Galaxy s9 plus, the latest Samsung galaxy s21 ultra and the note 20 and the alarm didn’t go off as the phones were switched off.

Even Samsung confirmed that their phone alarm won’t go off if the phone is turned off, and this answers the question of whether my alarm will go off if my phone is off.

How to make alarm work when phone is off?

If you’re using a smartphone, there’s no way to make your phone alarm to work if the phone is turned off. This is applied to both iPhone and android phones, the alarm can only go work if the phone is turned on.

If your phone is a feature phone, you don’t need to bother yourself because the alarm will definitely work even if the battery is flat or the phone is switched off.

If you’re looking for a way to make an alarm work when your phone is off on a smartphone, I’m sorry to say that it’s not possible. There’s no way to make it happen. This is why I use my feature phone to set an alarm in addition to using my smartphone.

Now that you have the answer to the topic of the post, you should know that you should not turn off your phone if you have set an alarm on it.

Remember, alarm can go off if your phone is on silent mode, do not disturb mode and on the airplane mode.

How do I turn off the alarm on my Samsung phone?

To turn off the alarm on Samsung phone is so easy without any bit of difficulty. All you need to do is to open the clock app on your Samsung phone and you will see all the alarms on your phone

To turn off the alarm, toggle off each of the alarm and it will turn black or Grey instead of the blue color which indicates on.

will my alarm go off if my phone is off

As you toggle the button off, the button will turn black and it will display that all alarms are off on your screen, implying that you have canceled or turned off all alarms on your smartphone.

This is how to turn off or cancel alarm on samsung phone, and same with method with other Android phones.

This is where I draw my conclusion on today’s topic: Will my alarm go off if my phone is off? If you have a method to make the alarm go off even if the phone is turned off, please don’t forget to drop down the tutorial using the comment box.

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

4 thoughts on “Will my alarm go off if my phone is off? Detailed explanation”

  1. The alarm clock on Huawei smartphones works even when the phone is switched off! Huawei was my first smartphone so I thought it was normal, like in feature phones. But when I tried using other smartphones, it was a very bad surprise to discover they can’t function as alarm clocks when switched off.

  2. I had 3 Huawei devices and the alarm clock works even the phone was completely switched off. I’ve also thought that it’s a nice feature to every modern smartphone but it’s not. Big tech companies should implement and reconsider this scheduled switch on switch off function.

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