What does fedex at destination sort facility pickup mean

Tracking your package using your mobile phone or computer and you saw fedex at destination sort facility pickup on your tracking information, definitely you will be confused as to the meaning of the tracking information.

When it comes using FedEx as your shipment or shipping method, there are certain or i will say common shipping terms you will see and they includes the likes of;

  • Fedex sort facility
  • Fedex at destination sort facility
  • Fedex at destination sort facility pickup

Looking at the three shipping tend they all look similar and one would say they are the same, but I tell you they are not as the three shipping terms are very similar but doesn’t have the same meaning.

In this article I will be explaining what fedex at destination sort facility pickup  mean along with others as it will help you to understand more.

Let’s continue.

What does Fedex at destination sort facility pickup mean?

Seeing fedex at destination sort facility pickup on your tracking information means that your package is at the FedEx warehouse or sort facility where the package can be picked up by the recipient after it has been marked “Hold for Pickup”. 

fedex at destination sort facility pickup

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Using FedEx as your shipping method, there are certain things that you should know and this includes all the FedEx sort facility terms.

You may see package at fedex sort facility and you quickly run off to go pickup your item, you are very wrong in this case because this means FedEx central sort facility and third party person are not allowed to enter the facility.

But this is quite different when you see fedex at destination sort facility pickup because it means that your item is at the pickup sorting facility of FedEx, and you can come collect your item.

Once you see the term pickup on your tracking information, it simply means that you as the recipient can come and collect your item without waiting for it to be delivered to you.

In some cases where you chose to collect your item by yourself without having it delivered to your house or the local post office, you will have to select pickup for your delivery.

Because of this, you will see fedex at destination sort facility pickup  on your tracking information.

Fedex sort facility: This is usually the central FedEx sort facility or warehouse where items are being checked, labelled and arranged based on their shipping address, and afterwards dispatch to their various destinations. You cannot go pick up your item in this type of FedEx sort facility as only workers are allowed into the warehouse.

FedEx at destination sort facility: This is a fedEx sort facility or sorting center located within a recipient location. For example, as items or packages are being dispatched from the FedEx central sorting facility, they are moved to the recipient destination or location.

However, in each state or province, there is usually another fedEx sorting facility and all items from the central sorting facility will be dispatched to these state or province fedEx facility. Now from the fedex at destination sort facility, the items will be out for delivery.

Finally, fedex at destination sort facility pickup  is where a recipient of a package can go pickup it’s package or wait for home delivery of the item/package.

Can i pick up from fedex destination facility?

You cannot entirely pick up a package from the FedEx destination sort facility unless you request for a pick up and not home delivery, then the item will be dropped off at any of the local delivery office or fedex at destination sort facility pickup.

Also bear in mind that you can chose to go collect your item from fedex at destination sort facility pickup and which is usually FedEx local center where people can collect their items or packages.

So if you select pickup as your mean of collecting your item, then what you will see on your tracking information will be fedex pick up package at sort facility.

fedex sort facility

Can I pick up a missed FedEx delivery?

Yes you can pick up a missed FedEx delivery, and all you have to do is to contact FedEx helpline and request for a pick-up delivery. That is to say your item will be marked “Hold for Pickup” and which you can collect your item from fedex at destination sort facility pickup.

How long does FedEx hold packages for pickup?

FedEx usually hold packages for pickup up to seven days and if the recipient doesn’t show up after seven days, the package will be returned back to the fedex sort facility which is the central sorting center.

If what you requested is “Hold for Pickup”, you should go immediately to collect your package after seeing fedex at destination sort facility pickup on your tracking information else the item will be returned after seven days.

Can i pickup a package from fedex before delivery

Yes you can pickup a package from FedEx before home delivery, all you need to do is request for a pickup and your package will be marked “Hold for Pickup”. After that you can go to the nearest FedEx local station to pickup your item. 

But remember, if your tracking information shows at fedex sort facility, kindly note that your item haven’t reached your destination but rather it is still within FedEx central sorting facility.

If it shows fedex at destination sort facility, then the item has reached your location or destination but still you can’t go there to pickup your item until you request for it. After you have requested for a pickup instead of home delivery, you will see fedex at destination sort facility pickup on your tracking information.

So asking can i pickup a package from fedex before delivery, you should bear these three things in mind.

Can I pick up a missed FedEx delivery?

Yes you can pick up a missed FedEx delivery, all you have to do is to contact FedEx help desk and request for a pick up. Afterwards you will see fedex at destination sort facility pickup  on your tracking information and which you can go pick up your package any the nearest FedEx local station.

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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