One of the difficult encounter one will have is when you lost your sim card tray and you have an outdated iPhone or any other mobile phone, you will find it quite difficult getting a SIM card replacement tray.
However, the truth is that it is very much difficult to loose a sim card tray unless in the case where by the sim tray got damaged and required a replacement.
So this leads us to the question of the day.
Can you put sim card in iphone without tray?
You can put a sim card in iphone without the tray but thar is very much possible in older iphones versions than the latest versions, and whereas one will encounter network issues afterwards.
Irrespective of the fact that I said you can put a sim card into an iphone without a sim card tray, there are more you need to know because it is not easy and there are problems associated with it.
I will explain them to you and please bear in mind that sim tray doesn’t cost at all depending on the type of iphone you are using.
Can you put sim card in iphone without tray?
You can put a sim card in iphone without the tray but there are problems associated with it like losing network connection or the sim card shifting from left to right.
Honestly I don’t recommend you to try insert a sim card into your iPhone without the sim tray because it will be a lot frustrating to you especially when you constantly gets no service in your iPhone.
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Now let me explain the problems associated with putting a sim card in iphone without the tray.
1. The sim card will be jamming
As long as you put a SIM card into an iphone without the sim tray, be rest assured that the sim card will be jamming and it will be hard to remove from the phone.
If you want to insert a sim card into your iPhone without a sim tray, then bear in mind that you wouldn’t be switching sim cards cause it will be very hard for you to do and you might end up damaging your sim card.
2. Problem of no network service
This is very common for those using a sim card without a sim tray as the sim card is likely going to shift from it’s original position and this causes no network service or no sim card inserted.
This is very frustrating as very often you will end up opening your iPhone to shift the sim card to the right position.
3. The sim card might get damaged
Trying to insert a sim card into an iphone without a sim tray is like calling the manufacturers a fool for making a sim tray, there’s a reason why we have the sim tray.
The major reason being that the sim tray helps to insert a sim card into the phone or into the sim slot without tussle and hassle or issues.
Now trying to insert a sim card without the sim tray might get a sim card damaged in the process. The truth is that the sim chip is very delicate and at the slightest scratch might have the sim chip get damaged.
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To put a sim card in iphone without tray comes with a lot of difficulty and one might end up damaging the sim card or even the sim slot.
So if you are trying to know if you can put sim card in iphone without tray you should bear all these problems in mind especially seeing no sim inserted and the sim card jamming very often.
How to insert sim card without tray
I recommend you to try create a sim holder using a paper, and cutting the paper in such a way that it will be of same size with your phone sim tray. You will have to use a tape to attach the sim card onto the paper and thereafter insert the sim into your phone.
Below is the video I recommend to you without having to open your phone in order to put sim card in iphone without the tray.
The above video will guide you and show you that you can put sim card in iphone without tray but you have to create a DIY sim holder as it will avoid no sim inserted or no service.
Do all iphones have a SIM card tray?
All iphones have sim card tray and this includes older iphones versions. Sim card tray is now popular in smartphones as latest Android phones all have a sim card tray which makes it lot easier to insert a sim card without removing the back of the phone.
Previously when it requires that one must remove the back of a phone to insert a sim card, there’s nothing like sim card tray and then battery was almost removable.
But now you don’t have to remove the back of your phone in order to insert a sim card, you must have a sim card tray else you will find it very difficult except if you have to open your phone.
It so weird opening your phone just to insert a sim card instead if you have lost your sim card tray and can’t afford to buy a new one though it is relatively cheap, then you have to create a DIY sim card holder.
Kindly use the above and do that.
Does every phone have a SIM card slot?
The answer is yes. Every iPhone has a sim card because all iphones requires a sim card for cellular network service like making and receiving calls, sending and receiving text messages.
However, the only ios device that doesn’t have a sim card is the iPad. As long as it is iphone, they all have a sim card slot.
Can I use my old SIM card in my new iPhone 12?
Yes you can use your old SIM card in your new iPhone 12 as long as the sim card is of same size with the iPhone 12 sim slot, of the same network carrier unless the iPhone 12 is unlocked, you can use the old sim card in the iPhone 12 without any issues.
However, if the old sim card isn’t 5G compatible I recommend you to request for a sim replacement. Nevertheless, old sim card will work in iphone 12 as long as they are compatible with each other.
Does an iPhone need a SIM card to work?
Iphone doesn’t necessarily need a sim card to work as long as there’s an active Wi-Fi the user is good to go. But please bear in mind that the user will receive or make calls, send or receive text messages because they all require a cellular network service and an active sim card.
What to do if you lost your iPhone sim card tray?
If you lost your iPhone sim tray, kindly go to an online store and purchase your iPhone sim tray. It will only cost you a maximum of $5 to purchase a sim tray from an online store or any of your local store.
If you don’t have the budget then you can create a DIY sim card holder using the above video and create a sim card holder for your iPhone.
This is where I wrap it up on the question of the day, can you put sim card in iphone without tray.