Does facetime unavailable mean they declined? Explained

Making a facetime call and after few seconds what you saw on your screen is facetime unavailable and which got you thinking what it means. 

For some users, they will conclude that the term facetime unavailable literally means the recipient declining their call, but that is not entirely the case.

So asking does facetime unavailable mean they declined, I recommend you to read through this post as it will explain what facetime unavailable mean and why you’re seeing such when making a facetime call.

Does facetime unavailable mean they declined

Does facetime unavailable mean they declined?

Facetime unavailable doesn’t necessarily mean they declined the facetime call but rather the call was not answered by the recipient.

When making a facetime call, there are certain moment you will see facetime unavailable or facetime failed, though facetime unavailable is very common. 

Now when you see that facetime says facetime unavailable, you don’t have to conclude that the recipient declined your call except if the call ended within a second or three seconds.

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Talking about does facetime unavailable mean they declined, if someone declined your facetime call, it will show facetime unavailable.

However, if someone ignores a facetime call, the person’s facetime is disabled, the person’s phone is on do not disturb mode, the person phone has no internet or switched off, or the person blocked you on facetime, it will still show facetime unavailable.

This is why I want you to know that whenever facetime says facetime unavailable, it simply means that the recipient didn’t answer the facetime call.

This applies to both facetime video call and audio call.

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Below are the reasons facetime video or call will say facetime unavailable;

  • When someone declines a facetime call. 
  • When the recipient phone is on do not disturb mode or focus mode. 
  • When facetime is disabled on the recipient phone. 
  • The recipient phone is switched off or offline without an active internet connection. 
  • When the recipient is simply ignoring a facetime call. 
  • When the recipient blocked the caller.

1. The Recipient Phone Is On Do Not Disturb Mode Or Focus Mode

Do not disturb mode or any other concentrate mode option on an iPhone or any other Apple device will block both cellular and FaceTime calls.

If a recipient has an active do not disturb mode on his or her phone, you may be confident that if you call the recipient on facetime, the call will not reach the recipient and will display facetime unavailable on your end.

In the case of do not disturb, the call will be blocked and the recipient won’t receive any incoming facetime call. But at your end, what you will see will be facetime unavailable after the call must have seemed to ring for 30 seconds or 11 times.

2. Facetime is Disabled Facetime

Another reason for facetime unavailable is due to facetime disables on the recipient phone.

You don’t need to be surprise that someone will disable facetime on their device, it does happen, but quite rare to see.

Disabling facetime will make a facetime call to show unavailable after ringing for a good 30 seconds or 11 times. In the true sense of it, facetime wasn’t ringing because the recipient is not seeing your facetime call.

3. The Recipient Is Ignoring Your Facetime Call

If a recipient is ignoring your call on facetime, it will show facetime unavailable at the end of the call.

This is quite common especially if you frequently use facetime, and when a facetime call is not answered, it will show unavailable at the end of the call.

Maybe the recipient is very much busy to answer your call, or simply ignoring your facetime call.

4. The Recipient Is declining The Facetime Call

Another popular reason for facetime showing unavailable is when the recipient is declining the facetime call. 

If a recipient receives an incoming facetime call and taps on the decline button, the call will end right away and at the side of the caller, it will display facetime unavailable.

One of the ways to know if a recipient is declining your facetime call is when a facetime call didn’t ring up to 30 seconds or 11 times before it ends right away.

If a facetime call only ring for 10 seconds or three times, and immediately it showed facetime unavailable, then you should know that the recipient is declining your facetime call.

Anything below 30 seconds facetime ringing or the call ring for 11 times does then it simply means that the recipient is declining the call.

5. The Recipient Has No Active Internet Connection

Facetime will display Facetime unavailable after a call and if there is no active internet connection on the recipient phone. 

Aa facetime is a voip service, thus in order to make and receive calls, both audio and video facetime calls it needs to be connected to the internet.

Without internet connection like Wi-Fi or cellular data, then you won’t be able to use facetime for your calls as it requires an active internet connection to make and receive calls, be it facetime audio call and facetime video call.

6. When The Recipient Blocked You On Facetime

Being blocked on facetime is a very common reason when why you’re seeing facetime unavailable. 

It won’t show facetime failed or any other words, but rather it will display Facetime unavailable. 

For example, you happen to be blocked by a recipient, in this type of situation, it will definitely show facetime unavailable when calling the person.

To confirm that truly the recipient blocked you on facetime, send iMessages to see if they get delivered. If they don’t get delivered, then it is likely that you have been blocked by the recipient.

But the final confirmation is to call the recipient using the cellular phone call.

If the call goes through, then you’re not blocked but if it says user busy or redirect you straight to voicemail, then truly you have been blocked by that very recipient.

Asking does facetime unavailable mean they declined, the answer is not necessarily except if the the facetime call didn’t ring for 11 times or 30 seconds, then you should know that the recipient is declining your facetime call.

What does FaceTime unavailable mean?

Facetime unavailable simply means that a facetime call was not answered by the recipient. 

As I said, it can be causes by various reasons which includes the recipient declining your facetime call. As long as a facetime call was not answered by the recipient, it will show facetime unavailable.

Now if you happen to check your call log, what you will see right there is cancelled call which indicates calls that are not answered by the recipient.

Does facetime unavailable mean they declined

Am I blocked if the person I have called is unavailable right now?

You may not necessarily be blocked but rather the recipient is not answering the call. 

If you’re using facetime, you will see this facetime unavailable. In some cases, you may be blocked by the recipient and that is why you’re seeing the facetime call unavailable.

All you need to do is to send an iMessage to the person and call on cellular to determine if the recipient has blocked you. And this is where I come to the conclusion in today’s question of the day, does facetime unavailable mean they declined. 

About Kennedy

I'm Amaechi Uchenna by name, a mobile tech enthusiast who love writing articles about tips and tutorials especially relating to gadgets.

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